The Practice Of Being Genuine

Aug 09, 2020 12:01 pm

Dearest , 

The practice of being genuine. 

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. 

On my morning walks, I move from being deeply isolated in thought, or invested in a book - to looking up to greet someone, sometimes stopping to chat. 

Connection and togetherness feel important right now. But how do we go from our inklings of survival mode and being isolated - to being able to be a good neighbor, community member, active citizen?

How can we ensure we are still available to help someone in need, lend our support to a stranger - when we have to maintain a safe 6 ft apart?

Is being genuine something that you need to practice? Or is in innate? 

I think both. 

If you are feeling lonely, helpless, or struggling with a brash oscillation between home and being “on” for people… 

Make time for practice.

Through both movement and still contemplation we have the opportunity to feed the garden and grow. 

This is not done mastering a goal or emulating someone, 

But by simply showing up to connect and recognize what presence feels like each day. 

This can also been seen as the practice of waking up to your own experience. 

And.. each day, 


So consider a daily or regular practice versus only showing up in crisis. 

If you know how it feels to connect to what is present for you - you know how to be genuine.

All can rest on the present moment once we create a relationship to regularly showing up for ourselves. 

Meeting people. 


Adjustments in home or work. 

Heartfelt conversations. 

Deep listening. 

It’s all a practice of generosity and genuinely be present with yourself, so you can offer the same to you scene partner. 


You’ve already begun. 

I will see you on the mat. If you missed last week’s new offering Fundamentals Of Ease - check it out here! Our August calendar continues on, building with our theme of INQUIRE with today’s featured video:


Watch Now

It’s never too late to join the calendar club. Get your free playlist and downloadable calendar HERE. 

Also! The FWFG APP is evolving and we are so proud and happy! Check out my Stretchy Calming Yoga practice HERE! See my latest monthly members’ vlog HERE. And, get ready to practice RISE - my 7 day morning yoga series - with us at the end of the month! 

Thank you for being a part of this community. The FWFG Family is really something. And growing each day. We are connecting on YouTube, over social media, and now on our own Kula social site - where all are welcome. Click here to read more and request to join this special ad free community space designed to help you embody your best self and to live your practice. It’s free. 

I love you,


PS: FWFG APP - members! Don’t forget you get 20% off in the FWFG Shop year round! Your code is at the end of my monthly vlog for Aug! New goodies are dropping in the shop too, per your request! I hope you enjoy. xx

“... to be human

is to become visible

while carrying

what is hidden

as a gift to others...”


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