Happy Wednesday, !❌ Want to stop quitting on your goals?✅ Then start aligning them with your values.Think about it: when something is important to you, you do it, right?So, it’s not about “having more willpower,” It’s about defining your core value...

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Jun 20, 2024
Willpower Doesn’t Exist

Happy Tuesday, !Most people who try to avoid starting a fitness program—or who start one and fall off the wagon—end up blaming themselves. “I didn’t have enough discipline.”“I wasn’t feeling motivated enough.”“I knew I didn’t have the willpower to st...

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Jun 18, 2024
Invitation to June's Mind-Body QnAs Part II

Greetings, ! Join us tomorrow, Wednesday, 06/19/24, at 7:15 PM EST for our June Q&Asand a sample of what's involved in the Fitness Meditation and the Spiritual Fitness Challenge Group Classes.In this enlightening session, we'll also cover some Qn...

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Jun 18, 2024
Anyone who can’t sleep knows this 👇

Happy Monday, !What helps you get to sleep one night might not work the next night! 🤷 In fact, having a set-in-stone bedtime routine can add even MORE pressure to an already stressful situation. 😴 That's why we're doing things differently...

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Jun 18, 2024
Father Time

Happy Sunday, !There’s a saying that Father Time is undefeated.And it’s true … but I like to say he’s open to negotiation.There’s also a strong connection between brain health and the amount of lean body mass we have, and this connection stays with u...

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Jun 17, 2024

Happy Friday, !🫑 Ready for a delicious plant-based recipe idea that’s fab for meal prep?It’s Quinoa & Black Bean Stuffed Peppers, and it’s PACKED with plant-based protein and fiber to fill you up and keep you feeling satisfied!Quinoa and Black B...

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Jun 15, 2024
Stop Hitting The Pause Button

Happy Thursday, !One thing I hear occasionally from clients is that they need to pause their fitness, manual therapy treatments and nutrition programs. Maybe they're in the midst of a busy time at work. Maybe they're consumed with renovating their ho...

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Jun 14, 2024

Happy Wednesday, !💡 If you don’t already do this… make INTENTIONAL time to relax at night!I know that may sound like a big ask — especially if you have “fun” stuff like household chores on your to-do list.Here’s something to think about: This downti...

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Jun 13, 2024
Feel like you’ve hit a plateau?

Happy Tuesday, !You might not be getting enough SLEEP! If you’re one of the 70 million Americans who have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or just feeling rested, you’re not alone.But here's the good news: Improving your sleep might be ea...

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Jun 11, 2024