Happy Wednesday, !🤔Commonly Asked Question: Does it really matter if I skimp on sleep?Hate to break it to you, but it may take only ONE BAD NIGHT OF SLEEP for your body to start storing fat and breaking down muscle!Swedish researchers found that aft...

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May 15, 2024
Progress Doesn’t Happen At The Gym

Happy Monday, !Every time you perform a workout, you’re breaking your body down.It’s true. The magic of muscle growth, fat burning, and other physical adaptations don’t happen in the gym.They happen during the time when we’re NOT in the gym … especia...

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May 13, 2024
Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Sunday, !🌸 Happy Mother's Day from everyone at Rigueur Soma Performance!We wish you a day filled with love, appreciation, and the special kind of joy that only moms bring.Here's to celebrating the amazing women in our lives today and every day...

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May 12, 2024
Anti-aging inspo inside

Happy Saturday, !Want my BEST anti-aging tip?Stay active.I know it might not be what you want to hear, but it’s a cold, hard fact that physical exercise can slow down aging.Have you heard of “telomeres” before?They’re the protective “end caps” on eac...

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May 11, 2024
How to earn your sleep

Happy Thursday, !You know those nights when you slip into bed and the sheets feel soooo good?Your body is tired, your mind is calm, and you’re perfectly set up for a great night of Zzzs.It’s the best!And then there are those nights you go to bed and...

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May 10, 2024
Your personal “refresh” button

Happy Wednesday, !Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates said, “Walks are a man’s best medicine,” — and it turns out he was right!We now know that when we exercise, our bodies release a cocktail of feel-good chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and endorph...

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May 09, 2024
To snack or not to snack…

Happy Monday, !Like to snack at night?According to recent research…93% of adults have a snack after dinner at least once a week, according to a 2023 study by Sleep DoctorOn average, adults snack after dinner about 4 nights a weekAnd the most popular...

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May 07, 2024
Fall asleep in 2 minutes or less

Happy Sunday, !Ever thought about how soldiers manage to sleep amidst the stress and danger of a warzone?The answer is…It takes practice.Back in World War II, U.S. Navy pilots used a 6-step method that — allegedly — helped them fall asleep in 120 sec...

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May 06, 2024
A big reason to do less

Happy Thursday, !Here’s something you probably don’t hear very often…When it comes to reaching your goals, sometimes it helps to do LESS.Sure, having a sense of urgency can help us reach our goals, but our downtime is where a lot of the magic happens...

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May 03, 2024
Stop Trying To Do Everything

Happy Tuesday, !Most people try to do way too much.And their lives end up getting taken over by unnecessary activities, busy-work and, an array of “crap” that prevents them from doing what is important.They waste their most valuable commodity – time...

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Apr 30, 2024