Parsley Chimichurri Sauce

Happy Thursday, !This chimichurri makes a vibrant and healthy topping for steak, fish, poultry, or roasted veggies.Parsley Chimichurri(makes 8 servings)• ½ cup (8 grams) finely chopped fresh parsley• 1 Tbsp fresh oregano• 3 cloves garlic• 1 Tbsp appl...

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Mar 17, 2023

Happy Sunday, !Our bodies seem to like equilibrium.If we’re stuck on a number on the scale, our bodies seem to like that.If we’re stuck on a strength number in the gym – a 135-pound bench press, for example – our bodies seem to thrive in that state o...

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Mar 12, 2023
🔥Pop quiz: what can be used as a sugar … a food dye?

Happy Friday, !Pop quiz: what can be used as a sugar … a food dye … and is also linked with powerful athletic performance?It’s even available in supplement form, and its juice is one of the latest healthy drinks to hit grocery shelves.It’s BEETS! 🎉T...

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Mar 11, 2023
🔥QUICK TIP: Don’t slouch after eating

Happy Tuesday, !You already know that slouching can make you feel tired, contribute to stress, and leave you with an aching neck and/or back.But get this! It can also play a role in heartburn caused by acid reflux.That’s because slouching puts pressu...

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Mar 08, 2023

Happy Sunday, !People ask me all the time what they should begin doing in order to improve how their body looks and feels.I always tell them the same thing“One thing.”“What thing?” they ask.And the truth is … it almost doesn’t matter. There’s a tende...

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Mar 06, 2023

Happy Friday, !🍣 If you look at nearly any “healthiest foods on the planet” list … chances are you’ll see SALMON somewhere near the top.It’s packed with protein and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids (which most of us don’t get enough of).🧠It’s grea...

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Mar 04, 2023
Creamy chicken & mushrooms (yum!)

Happy Thursday, !Sometimes you just CRAVE a hearty comfort food meal. The problem is, they often take a long time to prep or aren’t the healthiest choices!That’s why I’ve got a delicious recipe for you today that1) is actually healthy2) tastes like y...

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Mar 02, 2023
In the middle of a hard workout, what do you do?

Happy Saturday, !When you are in the middle of a workout, and it starts to get hard, what do you do?Say, “Well, I guess I’ve reached my limit today,” and stopAsk yourself, “Why is this so hard for me? I’m in terrible shape. Why do I even try?”Tell yo...

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Feb 26, 2023