Affirmations vs Intentions

Happy Friday, !I don’t know who needs to hear this but…Everyone — and I mean everyone! — struggles with their motivation and mindset sometimes.But that doesn’t mean you give up.Instead, you have to get tactical.So, today I want to share a couple of s...

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Mar 02, 2024

Happy Thursday, !Tomorrow, it’ll be March 1, which prompted me to reflect on what happened in the past 4 years.Thankfully, we’re mostly free of the most drastic consequences of COVID … but it doesn’t look like it's going to completely leave us alone...

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Mar 01, 2024

Happy Tuesday, !Businesses usually take stock of how they’re doing on a quarterly basis, so they know what has to change in order to achieve their goals and hit their targets.It’s the same with health and fitness.Did you set a goal for the first quar...

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Feb 28, 2024
Avoid this at all costs

Happy Monday, !Controversial statement alert!You’ve heard (probably many times) how important it is to focus on what you WANT.And yes, it is important.Your “want” is like the carrot on the end of the stick, motivating you forward.👉 But it’s also imp...

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Feb 27, 2024
Your “In The Zone” Heart Rate Training Guide

Happy Sunday, !Quick question: how often do you think about your heart health? Not to be a total bummer, but most people don’t think about it until it’s too late. The reality is that heart disease is the #1 killer on the planet, and only ab...

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Feb 26, 2024

Happy Thursday, !Motivation doesn’t produce action.Action produces momentum.And we tend to gain motivation to continue once we gather some momentum.As a coach who is dedicated to helping people make meaningful changes and improvements in their lives,...

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Feb 23, 2024

Happy Friday, !💫 HEALTHY SWAP TIME 💫Here’s a fast and easy heart-healthy swap that is a huge (+ delicious) upgrade!✅ Change out your creamy dressings for olive-oil-based dressings.You really can’t go wrong with olive oil!Not only does it make a gr...

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Feb 16, 2024
Always Listen To Your Heart

Happy Thursday, !👋 Fitness/Health can involve soooooo many numbers!Calories, steps, lbs., BP, cholesterol, reps, sets, macros, and on and on.And while those numbers can be a good guide…What about actually *listening* to your heart and your body?❤️...

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Feb 15, 2024
Workout Buddy

Happy Wednesday, !Today is Valentine’s Day, and I have a challenge for you.Find someone you care about. I don’t care if it’s your spouse, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, brother, sister, or friend.Invite them to exercise with you … to be your workout...

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Feb 15, 2024
Just Breathe

Happy Tuesday, !Do you ever think about what your heart is telling you?I’m talking about the heart that’s pumping inside you… AND the heart that guides you toward what has meaning for you.Because they are the same.In honor of heart health month — tak...

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Feb 13, 2024