Happy Tuesday, !๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿง˜ Being healthy and fit isnโ€™t just about your bodyโ€ฆItโ€™s also about your mind and spirit.When all three โ€” mind, body, and spirit โ€” are working together, you feel and function at your very best.๐Ÿง  Your mind loves (+ needs!) a challen...

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Jan 10, 2024
Growing Up

Happy Sunday, !๐Ÿšธ One of the biggest surprises about โ€œgrowing upโ€ is that youโ€™re never really done.And one of the biggest lessons โ€” especially as you get older โ€” is that going on a health and fitness journey isnโ€™t just about your physical body.It's a...

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Jan 07, 2024

Happy Saturday, !Have you heard of it?Itโ€™s when you wipe the slate clean of old beliefs, ideas, and near-misses โ€” and give yourself a do-over. ๐Ÿ’ซAnd the New Year is the perfect time for it! Research shows the fresh start effect can help you:โ— Get exc...

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Jan 06, 2024
Feeling Stuck

Happy Thursday, !๐ŸƒThe No. 1 cure for feeling stuck: Take action!When you're in a rut, moving forward can seem like a LOT of work.But it takes JUST ONE STEP ๐Ÿ‘ฃChoose a healthier meal, take a brisk walk, experiment with a new workout, and take some โ€œy...

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Jan 05, 2024
5 Things That Never Change

Happy Wednesday, !Simpler is always better.Donโ€™t overcomplicate things.It may be a new year โ€ฆ and chances are you really want a new you.The calendar changes โ€ฆ but the simple path to good health never does.Here are 5 things to think about that will he...

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Jan 04, 2024
๐ŸŽ‰Happy New Yearโ€™s Eve!

Happy Sunday, !Itโ€™s time to celebrate all of our wins from the past year and get excited about 2024!Itโ€™s going to be a BIG YEAR, can you feel it? (So big that it even gets an extra day.)So to wrap things up this yearโ€ฆWhat will you remember 2023 for?A...

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Dec 31, 2023
New Year Stats

Happy Saturday, !๐ŸŽฏ Who doesnโ€™t love a good stat?Especially when it comes to New Yearโ€™s resolutions:โœ”๏ธ 38% of people make resolutions, but only 9% of people stick to themโœ”๏ธ 80% of resolutions get dropped by Februaryโœ”๏ธ Improving fitness (39%) and diet...

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Dec 30, 2023
โญ๏ธ HOLIDAY CHALLENGE! โญ๏ธ

Happy Friday, !๏ปฟ As we come to a close in 2023, I thought it would be fun (at any point this weekend!) to share one of your biggest lessons of the year. ๐ŸŒŸTaking the time to reflect is one of the most important things we can do to make the...

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Dec 29, 2023
Life is Change.

Happy Wednesday, !๐ŸŒฑ No matter how hard you might try to fight it sometimes, things change!And you really donโ€™t have a choice in the matterโ€ฆBut what you DO have control over is how you handle it.You can choose to see change โ€” and use that change โ€” as...

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Dec 28, 2023
When Should I Start

Happy Friday, !In all the years Iโ€™ve been coaching people on improving their health, fitness, and happiness, there is one story Iโ€™ve heard more than any other.โ€œIโ€™ll start after ______.โ€Fill in the blank with any excuse you like.After I get back from...

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Dec 22, 2023