Taking A Break

Happy Friday, !I sometimes hear from great clients who’ve gotten amazing results that they’re going to be “taking a break” from the gym.Today, I want to talk about why this is a bad idea.Life doesn’t have a pause button. When things get busy or hecti...

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Mar 16, 2024
Leaning In

Happy Wednesday, ! One thing I’ve been trying to do a better job of lately is “leaning in.”Leaning into what the world is trying to show me is the right path.Oftentimes, we have a tendency to distrust what should be the obvious path. It’s right there...

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Mar 14, 2024

Happy Tuesday, !✅ The Power of Your To-Do List 🧘It turns out a simple to-do list is a POWERFUL science-backed tool to help to get things done… and also reduce stress.🤔 Check out these findings:▶️ Students in one study who wrote down to-do lists pr...

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Mar 13, 2024

Happy Monday, !❣️Myth vs. Fact:“High-protein breakfasts take a long time to prepare.”🌟 Myth!You can whip up a high-protein breakfast in just a few minutes.🔥 Idea 1: Stir 1 scoop of protein powder into your oatmeal🔥 Idea 2: Make an “egg in a mug” b...

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Mar 11, 2024

Happy Saturday, !When people get sideways with their health, wellness, and fitness goals, the culprit often has nothing to do with their body.It’s right between the ears.Their mind … or, more specifically, their Mindset.You could have a well-designed...

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Mar 10, 2024
The Kiss of Death

Happy Friday, !In sports, they say the “vote of confidence” – when management proclaims that a struggling coach’s job is safe – is the kiss of death.It’s true in health and fitness, too … when we get into ruts.Many of us default to doing the things w...

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Mar 09, 2024

Happy Wednesday, !I’ve got a lunch recipe for you that checks all the boxes: 🥣 It’s delicious 🥣 It LOOKS good (they say you eat with your eyes first!) 🥣 It’s simple 🥣 It’s filling 🥣 You can make it ahead of time 🥣...

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Mar 07, 2024

Happy Tuesday, !🤔Commonly Asked Question: “What’s the best exercise to get my heart in better shape?”💯The answer is: CARDIO… with some strength training, too!🏃Cardio (aka “aerobics”) boosts circulation, which helps lower your blood pressure and yo...

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Mar 06, 2024
3 Things To Start Doing

Happy Monday, !You’ve heard me say this a lot … health and fitness don’t need to be an all-or-nothing proposition.Doing a few simple things consistently will put you light years ahead of most people … and help you achieve far more than you would have...

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Mar 04, 2024