Happy Friday!Today's meditation is a perfect "end of the week" 20 minute guided meditation. It's called "stress less" and allows you to reflect and focus on positive mindset. Sometimes it becomes easy to focus on how tired or stressed we are. This me...
Congrats on making it over half way through this challenge!Today I want to challenge you with your first unguided meditation. It's five minutes and has a nice, soothing background sound to place your body into a calm state.Meditation is so important...
Happy Wednesday!I hope you are enjoying all the meals, meditations, and healthy swaps so far. Remember, this is not meant to be stressful. It's about giving your body the attention it deserves and slowly implementing positive changes!Even if you're o...
Welcome to DAY 2!!So far you've implemented:plant based mealsmeditationlearning/implementing toxin free lifestyle hacksmovement... and hopefully made time for extra sleep!More about the important of sleep in the below document. MeditationHere is the...
Hi and welcome to the FIRST day of the 7 day health challenge!Congratulations for being here. I'm really excited to start off this week with you and work toward our goals together. In the introductory PDF I go over all the important aspects of health...
Hi there!I'm so excited to see how many of you have signed up for my free 7 day health challenge starting Monday, May 16th!There are many factors that contribute to overall health and wellness.. that go beyond physical fitness and good nutrition (alt...
Happy Monday!I've been a little quiet these past couple of weeks. Between traveling, moving into a new apartment, and working on an exciting project for everyone its been busy to say the least.Quick life update: moved into a new apartment because of...
Happy Monday!Have you ever wondered what "detoxes" are doing? They're essentially trying to eliminate toxin build up in your body through a cleanse or supplement protocol. The problem with these is that your body already knows how to detox! We have s...
Happy Monday!This is one of my favorite topics. I love teaching clients how to stock their kitchen with all the right foods + cookware/appliances to maximize health benefits!Let's dive right in.How do we maximize food choices in the kitchen?Step 1:St...
Happy Monday!I wanted to start everyone's week off with this amazing recipe. My favorite thing to show people is eating plant based isn't "giving up" your favorite foods!I like to think of plant based eating as the most natural way to promote wellnes...