Day 4 Health Challenge
May 19, 2022 12:01 pm
Congrats on making it over half way through this challenge!
Today I want to challenge you with your first unguided meditation. It's five minutes and has a nice, soothing background sound to place your body into a calm state.
Meditation is so important because our body's can only heal in the parasympathetic state. Detoxification becomes down regulated when we are in a stressed out state.
This is because when we are in that sympathetic state, our body diverts blood flow to our periphery to allow us to "run" from danger. This down regulates the body's healing mechanisms because it doesn't think it's important in that moment.
With modern society, we are stuck in this sympathetic state daily- without realizing it! This is why meditation is one of my five pillars of health.
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Happiness & health,