Day 5 Health Challenge

May 20, 2022 12:00 pm

Happy Friday!

Today's meditation is a perfect "end of the week" 20 minute guided meditation. It's called "stress less" and allows you to reflect and focus on positive mindset.

Sometimes it becomes easy to focus on how tired or stressed we are. This meditation is a perfect way to guide your brain away from those easy, repetitive negative thoughts and toward positive changes.


Oral care:

This is such an important switch!

After we've focused on creating cleaner indoor air and removing plastic, I always like to focus on what we put on/in our body next!

My website shop has great switches for toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss.

The power of food

It's truly amazing the power of a plant based diet. Not only in it's high anti oxidant content, but how each individual plant food has an amazing healing property!

I make sure to eat blueberries and apples daily. See above PDF for why!

Water quality:

Water is essential for detoxification: it carries away toxins from our tissues.

Currently only 90 chemicals are monitored for in our water: but there are THOUSANDS! This ranges from antibiotics, fluoride, PFAS, pesticides and more.

PFAS is the group of chemicals from "non stick": so many households are exposed to this from the drinking water. This chemical can modulate our immune system, can impair immune system, is associated with cancers, fertility issues, thyroid problems, and autoimmune disorders.

There are over 280 million pounds of glyphosate used every year and a lot gets trapped into our water supply.

This is why it's important to consider a good quality water filter (and sadly, the ones on our fridges don't do much).

I first recommend getting your water tested so you know what contaminants are specifically in there. TapScore is a great way to do this.

Two of my favorite water filters:

  1. Berkey: activated carbon filter (code DRPEACOCK gives you 10% off)
  2. Aquatru: reverse osmosis (this link give you 1/2 off their filters)

I personally have both! I use the Berkey for traveling, and the Aquatru is under my sink.

Have a great Friday and let's look forward to finishing out this challenge strong!

Happiness & health,

