Its not about the money you make...
Aug 26, 2022 1:38 pm
it's about HOW YOU USE IT.
Are you utilizing your money for the good of yourself and the world?
Or do you waste it in areas that you aren't proud of?
The state of the world confuses me at times.
On one end you have humans struggling to even eat...
And on the other you have humans using $1000+ devices taking pictures to show off how cool they are with their toys and materials.
Or even worse, wasting their own time bickering and arguing with each other in comments sections.
Does anyone else think about this and raise questions like this?
I’ve mentioned before that I’m extremely passionate about education reform.
I dream of a world where anyone and everyone is given the tools to learn as individuals.
Given the tools to help them think critically and make decisions for themselves.
Tools to help them THRIVE!
I want you to remember as you read this off your phone or laptop, that there are people out there that literally have to break their backs every day to eat, drink, and survive.
You’re the lucky one.
Stop allowing your brain to trick you into believing otherwise.
The beautiful part about this device you hold though...
It gives the opportunity to teach our world in ways never before seen.
No longer do we need physical spaces to help teach others across the world...all they need is some type of device.
Slowly but surely I work on helping this exact equation.
I work to create authentic experiences, events, retreats, and courses about REAL LIFE to help other people not only survive, but THRIVE ON LIFE.
And it starts in my home base of Austin Texas.
It starts with how I approach every day.
And then utilizing my approach to help the immediate community surrounding me.
How will you approach the day?
How will you approach your life?
How will you utilize the time you have to build yourself up, then help others around you?
This weekend, what is ONE WAY that you can make a better decision around how you spend your time?
Think about it right now.
Write it down.
Then execute on it this weekend.
When we come back on Monday...
I want you feeling proud of yourself for how you chose to spend your time in a more intentional way.
p.s. today I am grateful for the health and wellness community in Austin. I have an event tonight, tomorrow morning, and Sunday... all based around becoming better humans and helping each other reach new heights.