Slow down to speed up.
Sep 09, 2022 12:27 pm
What a whirlwind two weeks it has been for me.
Closed on a new home. (Which meant 8+ trips back and forth between the AirBnb we were staying in, and our storage unit).
Flew 4 hours to Boston, drove another 1.5 to Newport Rhode Island, and watched one of my best friends marry his dream girl.
Right back to the ATX to keep the progress on the house going, my training going, the podcast going, and the businesses / brands growing.
Here is something cool that I have noticed.
The amount I can handle in life has 10x'd over the last few years.
Same amount of hours in a day, yet I can handle more within those hours.
And another cool thing is I am not "working" more, or killing myself to do so.
Instead, I am hyper focused on my priorities which has allowed me to say no to all the things that use to take away time from me.
Slowing down to determine WHY I do what I do, WHAT it is I want to do, and WHO I want to surround myself with...
Has allowed me to adjust my "how" in a way that speeds up my capabilities to achieve things in the direction that I am choosing.
And now it is your turn!!!
Answer me this...
Why are you on earth?
What do you want to do with your time here?
Who are the types of people that you want to spend the most time with?
Write your answers down and email them to yourself.
Then, in any moment where you feel overwhelmed, or anxious, look at those answers.
I guarantee they will be the reminder you need that most of the things you worry about, aren't the things that matter most.
And the things that matter most, deserve more of your time.
So go give them more of your time!
p.s. today is a special day for me (every day is special) but today especially special LOL. And I am grateful for that.