f*CK Followers. Strive for a loyal FOLLOWING.

Aug 19, 2022 1:34 pm

Strive to have an honest and loyal following, not followers.

In a world where everywhere you turn is a competition to get likes, comments, and DM’s...

How do you truly know what/who is VALUABLE to your own reality?!

The likes and comments will give you a short boost of dopamine, but in reality, what is the difference between getting 100, 1000, 10,000?

You’ll always be left wanting more.

Especially today where so many just buy their likes/followers, leaving you subconsciously feeling inferior and asking yourself should you do the same?!?


Here’s why...

The true difference between you and the crowded marketplace of the digital world can be seen off the screen.

In the land of having a REAL tribe, a community, a group of people that fully understand you and have witnessed the VALUE you bring to this earth first hand.

None of them care whether you have a like, a DM, a text, or thousands of emails begging your call...

They care that you are present with them, interested in helping them for the greater good, and ultimately are a good friend, family member, and human being in this chaotic society.

Yet, sadly many seem far from understanding this. 

At a recent speaking engagement I was asked:

"What could the people in the audience do to grow their brand and their social media followings?!”

My response...


What I meant by this was to TRULY CARE about the people you interact with.

Don’t view them as a number, view them as a human being that you can communicate with, learn from, and ultimately build a valuable relationship with.

But how can this effectively be done?!? 





From REAL meetings, REAL conversations, and REAL time spent in the presence of other people.

Over the course of my entrepreneurial journey I’ve had hundreds of meetings with amazing people.

That’s REAL.

Real connections, with real people, in real time...

Leaving me more fulfilled than I’ve ever been in my lifetime.

I use social media as the tool to spur those real connections, but I never lose sight that it is just a tool.

It is not my life. 

So if you’re out there struggling to understand what your place is in the social media world...

Please understand that your follower count does not define you.

Instead, it’s quite the opposite.

Go define yourself based on the VALUE you provide to your real time community.

To the people closest to you.

To yourself.

To THRIVE this weekend, I challenge you to take someone to lunch, grab a coffee with someone you haven’t heard from in awhile, and enjoy the experience of CARING about someone else and the present moment.

I guarantee it will do more for your life, and business, than you ever expected. 

p.s. today I am grateful for all the REAL WORLD connections I have made over the years.
