You can't start the next chapter...
Sep 07, 2022 1:17 pm
if you keep re-reading the last.
Times are changing.
And for you to THRIVE in the new world ahead...
You must learn to let go of your attachment to what WAS, be grateful for what still IS, and step into what will BECOME.
You have a new shot at what it means to LIVE.
You can be kinder to yourself.
Take better care of your health mentally, physically, and spiritually.
And you can pour this newfound energy out into the world around you.
Far too many of people have been unnecessarily suffering for too long, consuming too much, and remaining complacent with themselves and their surroundings.
No more.
The time is now to band together and fight for a world that shines more peace than war, more love than hatred, and more REALITY than facades.
And it starts with you.
It starts with your close circle.
It starts with your nearest community.
It starts with you being the change that needs to be seen.
And through your actions you will inspire others to do the same
p.s. today I am grateful for all the friends I was able to see the last few days. The time spent with those you care for is such a rejuvenating experience.