How to make your life uncomfortably exciting.

Aug 25, 2022 1:25 pm

"Always work hard on something uncomfortably exciting.” - Larry Page

Do you know the most uncomfortable and exciting thing to work on though?


If there is one thing I’d like to pinpoint that makes me happy in the life I live today...

It is the fact I am surrounded by so many people who are pushing themselves to new limits.

It’s exciting, it’s exhilarating, and it’s inspiring me to continue to push my own self to new heights.

It was not always this way. 

It was not until I started actively working on improving everything about myself, that these amazing people came out of nowhere.

So if you find yourself out there struggling to find your groove, I highly recommend getting uncomfortable, looking in the mirror, and starting to improve yourself one day at a time.

The rest will sort itself out.




I am about to go start my THRIVE Thursday in a way I have worked extremely hard to get to.

  1. Workout
  2. Sauna
  3. Ice Bath
  4. Lunch

And doing it with other founders / creators / doers / change makers ... HUMANS that are making an impact above and beyond themselves.

I believe it is the universe responding to the work I have put in.

The lonely miles.

The long days editing video/audio/copy.

The amount of sweat poured into everything I do.

Other people may not see it.

Other people may not get it.

Other people may actually hate on it.

Those people don't matter.

The universe responds accordingly.

Earned > given.

Today I want you to ask yourself, what do you need to work on within yourself, and when you work on this, it will UNLOCK a more exciting life for you?

Ponder on it today.

Write on this evening.

Take action on it tomorrow and every day after.



p.s. today I am grateful for a lot of the exciting opportunities that continue to pop up and get presented to me. They remind me to keep pushing even harder to build the life I have my dreams set on.
