Sacrifice what you want now...
Sep 02, 2022 1:42 pm
for what you want most.
What do you want most in this life?
Write it down now.
More importantly... what are you willing to give up / sacrifice to get what you want most?
Write this down too.
Most people are great at thinking about question #1.
You can rattle off some dreams you have about what you wish your life would become.
Sure, that is the easy part.
Are you willing to truly reflect and understand what those dreams need from you? Aka what sacrifices you will need to make?
And once you have the understanding of the cost of your dreams, are you willing to actually go through with the sacrifices needed to achieve them?
Here is my example for you...
Currently this is where I am writing this exact email.
Erin and I's new home.
Yet another one of our dreams that came to reality.
But even this dream comes with its own sacrifices.
Let's go back a few years.
The first property we bought, we did so with the intention of it being a 1-2 year stint, then we either rent out or resell for a profit.
What did this mean ^^^
It meant that we didn't make it a "home."
We didn't have a good setup to WFH from.
We couldn't really have people over to enjoy company.
We didn't have the space we needed to workout.
There were a lot of things that we would have done to the house if we intended to make it our home.
We had an intention from day 1.
We were strict with that intention.
And the investment paid off.
This time around we did the same thing...
Yet with a longer window of investment.
Meaning, we bought a house, which we will turn into a home, but we bought it in an up and coming area that has a high potential of once again giving us a high ROI down the line when we either rent / sell.
We don't live near a lake / woods like we'd love to.
We don't live super close to trails / outdoor areas to explore like we'd love to.
We don't live near 99 percent of our current friends and family like we'd love to.
Our intent again was to set ourselves up for what we want MOST in life...
And that is future FREEDOM to do what we want, when we want to do it, and who we want to do it with.
Let me be clear, we have made sacrifices, yet I am fully aware that our lifestyle is above the standard that even I used to dream of living.
We got this life through decades of hard work and small sacrifices as individuals, now we do it as a team.
And today, I am encouraging you to start GIVING UP WHAT YOU WANT NOW... for those dreams you have in your mind... those things you truly want most.
I can tell you from experience that it is worth it.
So once again I will ask you...
What do you want most in this life?
More importantly... what are you willing to give up / sacrifice to get what you want most?
This weekend I want you to start taking action in the direction of what you want most!!!
p.s. I am beyond grateful to have spent this week in the new home. I can already feel the great energy that this place will provide not only Erin and I, but to the guests we look forward to having.