35 - Artificial Complexity in Client Relations

Hi Unnecessary jargon, convoluted processes, and endless meetings are complicating your client relationship. Artificial complexity in client communication arises due to a lack of setting clear communication protocols.Clients want clarity, not confusi...

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Nov 12, 2023
34 - Artificial Complexity

Hi Artificial complexity are those unnecessary layers that make things seem complex.Why Should You Care?Simple—your agency's efficiency and profitability are on the line.Think about it: clients want results, not a maze of complicated processes. Artif...

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Nov 10, 2023
33 - Spreadsheets don't measure everything

Hi "Let us grow your agency."What's the first thing that happens after this statement is spoken? Out come the spreadsheets. Let's measure and improve.Spreadsheets are not bad. The issue is with what gets measured.You cannot measure some thingsEver he...

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Nov 08, 2023
32 - Sales is not taught in MBA courses

Hi Sales, for a very long time, was not taught in MBA courses. Yes, you read that right! Despite all the fancy degrees, when it comes to sales, most MBA graduates are left scratching their heads.Why is sales as a subject often neglected in MBA progra...

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Nov 08, 2023
Experiment went wrong

Hi A small experiment i conducted on the newsletter tech went horribly wrong. Turns out about 10-12 emails never got delivered. Keeping with the promise of sending one newsletter everyday for 100 days, I shall resend these emails. Don't be alarmed if...

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Nov 08, 2023
31 - Agency Growth Challenges

Hi We all aspire to take our agency business to new heights, but sometimes it seems like we're hitting a roadblock. Let's discuss the challenges that hinder agency growth and discuss the true root causes that often go unnoticed.Many agency owners oft...

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Nov 06, 2023
30 - Productising services

Hi Sometimes running an agency feels like a juggling act.Clients demand personalised services tailored to their unique needs And they expect you to deliver results by magic.To become profitable the challenge lies in balancing customisation with effic...

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Nov 05, 2023
29 - Clients vs Customers in Services Business

Hi Do you acquire Clients or Customers?Understanding this distinction can open new doors and opportunities for your agency's growth. Let's break it down in simple terms.What is the difference?Imagine this – when you offer standardised services or pro...

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Nov 03, 2023
28 - Fundamental Principles - Recap

Hi Here is a recap of the fundamental principles we discussed over the last few issues of The Client Magnet Newsletter.Fundamental Principle of BusinessCreate and Keep a Customer (Peter Drucker)Fundamental Principles of MarketingCustomers hire produc...

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Nov 02, 2023
27 - Acquiring the client (sales) - Part 2

Hi We defined these as the basic principles of sales:It is an exchange of value agreed upon two human beings. (Your solution in exchange for the client's money.)Handle objections well. (Client should not feel cheated.)In our example, the digital mark...

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Nov 02, 2023