26 - Acquiring the client (sales)

Hi An agency is ready to sell when it is certain about the market, the problem to solve, the competition, and business model.How do we sell?What are the fundamental principles of Sales?Sales, the mystic arts with millions of practitioner and few meth...

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Oct 25, 2023
Twenty Five?

Hi We will continue with the next edition in the series tomorrow...I just realised that this is the 25th edition of this newsletter!Thank you for being a part of this journey with me.I put in about 20 hours every week to research and write these seri...

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Oct 24, 2023
Marketing the problems and solutions - Part 3

Hi Continuing from the last edition...Knowing what we know now. How does that translate to a tactical plan for the digital marketing agency?We know the following:Clinics are not easy to reach. Everyone is busy.The agency will target clinics that do n...

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Oct 23, 2023
Marketing the problems and solutions - Part 2

Hi Continuing from the last edition...Competitors copyWhen a product/ Service or a marketing campaign succeeds, the competitors copy. It is a fact of business. (that is one of the reasons for the existence of Intellectual Property Laws)There is no ge...

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Oct 22, 2023
Marketing the problems and solutions

Hi From the last edition of the newsletter we figured out that creating a customer for our Digital marketing agency involved the following steps.Choosing a target customer. (the agency will target clinics)Finding the right problem to solve. (the agen...

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Oct 21, 2023
Keeping a customer!

Hi Remember the fundamental reason for the existence of a business, from the last issue?Create and keep a customer.The entire quote by Peter Drucker is "Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two–and only...

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Oct 19, 2023
2 Principles, 1 Principle?

Hi In the last email we discussed the 2 fundamental principles of business and how they apply to agency businesses. There is a simpler way to write the 2 fundamental principles of business:The long version:Continuously create value that solves proble...

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Oct 17, 2023
Create new Business Models?

Hi Here are the two fundamental truths of business.Continuously create value that solves problems for a large number of customers.Keep the cost of creating value lower than the price the customer pays.Let's take these principles and apply it to agenc...

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Oct 16, 2023
First Principle of Business?

Hi First-principle thinking can make you a billionaire. At least, it helped Elon Musk become one.First principle thinking is about breaking down a problem or an area into its most fundamental truth or breaking it down to the most basic part, where yo...

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Oct 15, 2023

Hi Over the past few days I started a project to create Automated Content Creator. The objective is to create a fully automated, AI enabled content creator for our area of expertise/ interest.Although the project is very exciting for me, it not of i...

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Oct 14, 2023