45 - Factory or Forest?

Hi There is a debate going on, "Are the traditional organisation structure useful in a post pandemic world?" This debate branched off from the debate about "should work from home be the norm for knowledge workers?"Work from home leads to problems tha...

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Nov 23, 2023
44 - Exploring Agency business models

Hi Markets evolve, clients learn, their understanding improves. Sophistication of the market increases over time. Traditional models get challenged and redefined.Understanding and choosing the right business model is critical to your success.Differen...

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Nov 18, 2023
43 - Even Propaganda is Tested

Hi We can learn a lot from design of things, including communication, built for extreme cases. Be it knives designed for people with arthritis, or communication designed for propaganda.In communication and influence, leave nothing to chance, not even...

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Nov 18, 2023
42 - Creating content for your niche

Hi Your personal brand is your niche.Creating an agency around your personal brand is important in the social media era. How do you ensure that your personal brand aligns with your agency's business goals?The answer lies in creating compelling top-of...

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Nov 17, 2023
41 - Pricing your services

Hi Setting the right price for your services is a strategic decision. It's a reflection of value, a determinant of client types, and a crucial aspect of your business model.Let's dive into the variables that should guide your pricing strategy.Key Var...

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Nov 17, 2023
40 - Personal brand is the Niche

Hi Dan Koe, Justin Welsh, Alex Hermozi, and Tim Ferriss, are some the names that come to mind when I think of personal brand.In business, differentiation is key. And what better way to stand out than by leveraging your most unique asset—your personal...

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Nov 16, 2023
39 - Social jobs-to-be-done

Hi There are 3 kinds of jobs that a clients wants you to get done.FunctionalEmotionalSocialA parent wants to teach the kid mathematics. The functional job is to ensure kid learns maths concepts well. The emotional job is when the parent feels appreci...

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Nov 16, 2023
38 - Emotional jobs-to-be-done

Hi Before you start promoting you agency and marketing it, take a pause. The chances are high that you will end up creating similar content to all other agencies out there. Your content may be more creative, better written, even better positioned. Fr...

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Nov 14, 2023
37 - Convince clients to start today

Hi Best time to start marketing was the day you got the idea.Second best day is today.We know that marketing, and activities around brand building takes time. In the digital world SEO has a similar gestation period. We observe similar situation in co...

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Nov 13, 2023
36 - No green in fireworks

Hi Barium compounds give the green colour to fireworks. Supreme Court of India banned the use of Barium in fireworks in 2018. Yet many manufacturers continue to add Barium based chemicals in their fireworks. The court reissued this verdict again this...

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Nov 13, 2023