30 - Productising services

Nov 05, 2023 9:10 pm


Sometimes running an agency feels like a juggling act.

Clients demand personalised services tailored to their unique needs And they expect you to deliver results by magic.

To become profitable the challenge lies in balancing customisation with efficiency.

Each project is unique, shaped by the specific requirements of your clients. While this level of personalisation is expected from agencies, it can hamper your revenue growth. It leads to complexities in project management, communication, and resource allocation.

Enter service productisation.

Productising your services involves standardising your deliverables, processes, timelines, and pricing. It might sound like you will not get enough clients by productising your services, but it's quite the opposite.

By setting a well-defined restrictions, you provide consistency that clients appreciate. They know what to expect, and you can deliver it consistently.

Here's how it works:

  1. Standardisation is Freedom: When your agency starts offering productised services, it frees up time that was previously consumed by customising every detail for each client. Everything from client onboarding to communication is now templatized. This means you can allocate your resources more efficiently and focus on what really matters – delivering value to your clients.
  2. No More Scope Creep: One of the biggest headaches for agency owners is scope creep. Clients frequently ask for changes or additions that fall outside the initial agreement, making projects harder to manage. With productised services, this problem virtually disappears. You set the boundaries, and clients know exactly what they're getting. No more unexpected surprises.

Here are some examples of productised services:

  • Social Media Management Packages: Instead of crafting a bespoke social media strategy for each client, you offer a range of pre-designed packages. Clients choose what fits their needs, and you execute the strategy. It's a win-win – clients get what they want, and you save time on strategy creation.
  • Website Design Templates: Rather than building websites from the ground up every time, create a library of website design templates. Clients can pick the one they like, and you customise it to their brand. It's efficient, visually stunning, and cost-effective.
  • Content Marketing Bundles: Offer content marketing packages with predefined quantities of blog posts, social media updates, and email campaigns. Clients select the bundle that suits their goals, and you deliver the content. This not only streamlines your operations but also simplifies the decision-making process for your clients.

In simple terms, when you turn your services into products, it makes your agency work easier. You can spend more time on advertising and selling your services as products. This way, you don't have to worry about complicated operations anymore. You won't get stuck with constant changes and special requests. Instead, you can focus on getting new clients and making your agency grow.

Embracing service productisation doesn't mean sacrificing your agency's identity or uniqueness. In fact, it's about setting up a system that makes it easier to provide good service while still letting you make some adjustments within certain limits. End of the day, you get known for generating superb results in your area of expertise.

Simplify your agency journey.


Anoop Kurup

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