31 - Agency Growth Challenges

Nov 06, 2023 9:59 pm


We all aspire to take our agency business to new heights, but sometimes it seems like we're hitting a roadblock. Let's discuss the challenges that hinder agency growth and discuss the true root causes that often go unnoticed.

Many agency owners often list four common problems affecting their growth:

  1. Lack of enough client acquisition
  2. Lack of client retention
  3. Lack of talent management
  4. Feast or famine cycles

But in my opinion these are not problems; they're just symptoms of deeper issues.

Let's explore what's really holding us back:

1. No well-defined target market: Without a clear understanding of your ideal customers, your agency might be casting its net too wide. Also, this leads to too many customised services offered to the clients.

2. Org structure not built for knowledge work: Traditional organisational structures does not align with the specialised nature of agency work. Flexibility and adaptability are key. Treating your employees like hired help, or cogs in a factory is the fastest way to lose them.

3. No marketing strategy, plan, or execution: Effective marketing is crucial for agency success. Yet, agencies don't market themselves well. A lack of defined target market leads to lethargy in creating a marketing plan and executing it.

4. Poorly priced services: Underpricing or overpricing your services can have a detrimental impact. Accurate pricing reflects the true value of your agency's offerings. How do you price your services? What are the variables?

5. Lack of a business model: An agency without a solid business model does struggle to sustain growth. A business model defines the various parts of the business and how they all comes together. The business model should also clearly emphasise the revenue and cost structure of the business.

These root causes may seem harsh at first because they put us, the agency founder, under spotlight. I have seen many agency owners transform their businesses by embracing these challenges and working to overcome them.

Remember the first step in solving a problem is acknowledging its existence. The second step is seeking help.

By addressing these root causes and seeking help when needed, you are positioning your agency for success.


Anoop Kurup

(Read old newsletters)
