32 - Sales is not taught in MBA courses

Nov 08, 2023 9:30 pm


Sales, for a very long time, was not taught in MBA courses. Yes, you read that right! Despite all the fancy degrees, when it comes to sales, most MBA graduates are left scratching their heads.

Why is sales as a subject often neglected in MBA programs? Because it's often seen as a soft skill that can't be easily quantified, unlike numbers or strategies.

That is the bane of many agencies and businesses today. The most important of skills for a small business is not taught!!

The Value of Sales Skills

Sales isn't just about convincing someone to buy your product or service. It's about building relationships, understanding client needs, and finding solutions.

It's a crucial part of your agency's success. Without sales, your brilliant strategies and management skills won't get you far.

The Reality of the Market

In the real world, agencies depend on sales to grow and thrive. You can have the most innovative services, but if you can't sell them effectively, they are useless.

Sales isn't about being pushy or manipulative. It's about being persuasive, understanding your clients, and offering them value. If you think about it, you're already selling for your agency, without any formal training.

Most people learn sales by random chance. By practising skills, getting rejected, and finally finding a formula of some sort that works.

Learning Sales

Some ways to learn sales are by:

  1. Read Sales Books: Here are a few recommendations
  2. "Influence" by Robert Cialdini
  3. "To Sell Is Human" by Daniel Pink.
  4. "SPIN Selling" by Neil Rackham
  5. "You can't teach a kid to ride a bike at a seminar" by John Hayes
  6. Online Courses: Instead of reading books you can opt to attend courses on Udemy and other such platforms. (Don't attend courses sold by online preachers. Majority are fake and useless. )
  7. Practice, Practice, Practice: Sales is a skill, and like any skill, it requires practice. Start by listening to people from your target market. Just listen and ask questions. That is the greatest skill to learn and practise. Listening and asking the right questions.

Sales is a practical skill. Cute slides, and great presentations don't cut it in the world of sales. You either are able to get results or are not.

Perhaps thats the reason there is little interest from academicians on the topic of sales.

The Bottom Line

Sales is an essential skill that can transform your agency's fortunes. Take the initiative, invest in your learning, and watch your agency grow.


Anoop Kurup

(Read old newsletters)
