Topic to content ideas?

Hi Sometimes we have a topic in our mind. Maybe the seed of the idea was planted some time ago. Or it could be trigged by something you read, or experienced. Irrespective of how you arrived at the topic, it is stuck in your head. Not the best place t...

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Oct 12, 2023
Ideas, Topics, Research,!

Hi (Listen to the newsletter here - AI Generated)Building an Automated content generator is an ambitious project. It has many moving parts. And as such, it will be easy to confuse things. Starting with the terminology we use.I hope you follow along a...

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Oct 11, 2023
Automate Content Creation - Process & Plan

Hi (Listen to the newsletter here - AI Generated)Did you watch the video on gather information and generating ideas with Google Alerts and AI? You can watch it here:- we dive into the AI-powered content creation? We...

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Oct 10, 2023
Google Alerts to Content Ideas?

Hi Who would have thought that writing a newsletter to explain a process is not the best idea? (Not me.)Today, I explain how you can go from a huge list of articles, news, and other information to useful content ideas.I created a 20-minute YouTube vi...

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Oct 09, 2023
Creating a draft with AI

Hi (Listen to this newsletter - AI Generated) All content begins with a blank page. Its usually a staring contest. You stare at the blank page, and it stares back. That is until you get the brilliant idea. Then its all about curbing y...

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Oct 08, 2023
Let's Automate

Hi (Listen to this newsletter - AI Generated)Tomorrow I start sending you AI and automation workflows that you can implement. Before that happens, you need to know a few things.My first job after earning my engineering degree was in a research lab. I...

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Oct 07, 2023
Lead Generation Campaign - An Example

Hi (Listen to this newsletter - AI Generated)Over the past 7 days, I have introduced you to some principles of creating a lead generation campaign. Let's put it into practise, with an example.Crafting a successful lead generation campaign requires a...

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Oct 06, 2023
Thinking about Lead Generation - Part 7

Hi (Listen to this newsletter - AI Generated)Over the past 6 days I have sent a series of emails with some thoughts about lead generation for services. Lead generation is a very vast topic to cover in just a week and few emails.Broadly we have touche...

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Oct 05, 2023
Thinking about Lead Generation - Part 6

Hi (Listen to this newsletter - AI Generated)Three decades ago few gatekeepers guarded the ways to reach your clients. TV, Radio, Newspapers, magazines, and in-person events covered all the channels to reach the clients. These channels were expensive...

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Oct 04, 2023
Thinking about Lead Generation - Part 5

Hi (Listen to this newsletter - AI Generated)(Read the older newsletters)Selling services is not like selling a shiny gadget or a delicious snack where you can just show it off. Nope, our business is all about offering intangible solutions. Your clie...

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Oct 03, 2023