29 - Clients vs Customers in Services Business

Nov 03, 2023 10:29 pm


Do you acquire Clients or Customers?

Understanding this distinction can open new doors and opportunities for your agency's growth. Let's break it down in simple terms.

What is the difference?

Imagine this – when you offer standardised services or products with a clear pricing structure, you're more likely to attract customers. These are the folks who come to you for a specific service, like a one-time web design or social media campaign. They are looking for a quick solution to their problem, at a fixed price, within a fixed time period.

Everyone else who enters into long-term contracts or fixed retainers with your agency falls under the client category. They're here for the long haul, seeking your expertise on an ongoing basis. They bring you that sought-after revenue stability.

Life may be easier with customers due to limited demands.

Customers often have simple, one-off needs. They require less hand-holding and management, making your life a bit easier. However, it's a transactional relationship, and they can be fickle, hopping from one provider to another.

Clients bring revenue stability.

Clients, on the other hand, are your long-term partners. They provide a steady stream of income, ensuring financial stability for your agency. However, they tend to be more demanding and expect personalised solutions.

Faster to scale with customers, slower with clients.

If you're looking to scale your agency rapidly, focusing on acquiring more customers might be the way to go. They have shorter sales cycles and quicker decision-making processes.

In contrast, securing clients can take time, as they require building trust and relationships. It's a long-term game that pays off over time.

Marketing and Sales Strategies

The way you approach marketing and sales plays a pivotal role in determining whether you attract clients or customers.

Robust Practises for Customers

To win customers, you need robust marketing and sales strategies. These include reaching out to a broader audience, being clear about your value proposition, and having a well-structured online presence.

Clients: Personal Brands, Referrals, Relationships

Acquiring clients is a different ballgame. You can win them over through personal branding, referrals, and nurturing relationships. Your reputation and the connections you build can help bring in long-term clients who trust your expertise.

In the end, you can have a mix of clients and customers in your portfolio. It's all about finding the right balance that suits your agency's unique needs. (faster growth with higher risks vs slow and steady growth with revenue certainty)

Till next time!


Anoop Kurup

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