34 - Artificial Complexity

Nov 10, 2023 10:30 pm


Artificial complexity are those unnecessary layers that make things seem complex.

Why Should You Care?

Simple—your agency's efficiency and profitability are on the line.

Think about it: clients want results, not a maze of complicated processes. Artificial complexity can slow you down, increase costs, and leave your team inefficient.

Spotting Artificial Complexity

Ever felt lost in a sea of tools and software? That's the first sign. It's easy to get tempted by the shiny new thing, but if it's not making your life simpler, it's adding to the artificial complexity.

Review your tech stack—keep what's essential, ditch the rest.

Meetings. Yes, they're crucial, but too many can turn your schedule into a series of endless meetings. Focus on meaningful discussions, skip the unnecessary ones. Your team will thank you, and so will your productivity.

Processes should streamline, not strangle. If your team needs a manual to navigate daily tasks, it might be time for a process audit.

Simplify where you can, automate what you must.

Remove Artificial Complexity

Now, let's think how we can simplify.

Start by assessing your current setup. Identify bottlenecks, trim unnecessary steps, and create a roadmap for smoother operations.

Communication is key. Keep everyone in the loop but cut the noise. Tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams can be great for asynchronous communication. But set some ground rules. No one needs a notification every time someone sneezes.

Invest in training. Equip your team with the skills to navigate the digital landscape effortlessly. An hour of training today can save days of confusion tomorrow.

Simplify to grow

When you declutter your agency, the benefits are multifold. Clients notice the streamlined approach—they get results faster, and you spend less time firefighting.

Happy clients mean referrals. Referrals mean more business. More business means growth. It's a beautiful cycle, and it all starts with simplifying the way you work.

Artificial complexity is the silent killer of agencies.

Take care, keep a watch out for artificial complexity!


Anoop Kurup

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