Back To My Whole Being, I Go +  Free Shakti FLOW

Oct 04, 2020 10:01 am

Dearest , 

Autumn is here where I reside and while I have been yearning for the shift in the air to simply sugar coat soothe, it seems instead, I find a strange feeling in my chest, a tiny locked feeling that sometimes blossoms.

My energetic body is lit. 

And then I think, yes, how could it not be right now?

And so it feels as though my attention and awareness shift now to my energetic body, and let me tell you I am going all in.

I have to. I must.

And, thank you angels for making it so that I have the tools to re-focus and care for not just my beautiful body in which I promise to love harder, but my for my being too.

Let’s go. 

Today, with a Shakti flow.

Shakti study can be simple and powerful. It is the recognition of your power or source in practice and it can bleed beautifully off the mat providing you the awareness not just of your physical body but of where you at energetically too. Having a relationship with Shakti is helpful on the path to maintaining balanced whole health. We are talking mentally, physically, and emotionally. 

Now, lovingly strengthen your relationship to your power. Here is today's flow… 


Shakti Flow

If you want to read a little more on Shakti, I like this write up from Sally Kempton. 

Our October calendar has kicked off! You can join anytime. This month the theme/contemplation is Action. Click here to get your free practice playlist and read more.

In addition, I have released my monthly vlog on the FWFG APP and on FWFG.COM! I talk through how I am feeling pulled to level up, share about my classes, and spill some details on what is on the horizon, like an hour long headstand practice! There is also poetry. And Benji action cam. You can find that 16 min video here.

We were so thrilled to release VOTE WITH BENJI this past Friday! If you have not seen Benji’s new animated cartoon, visit this devoted website to watch his movie and to feel supported in all your voting needs like checking registration, finding poll locations, and more.

Lastly, my Anchored In Love series is coming back to the Practice Yoga Austin Zoom Room on Friday, 10/16. Click here to read more and reserve your spot for this global community practice.

May today be lighter than yesterday, and may you follow the pull to move and care for yourself better, and better.

I’m here if you need me. You know where to find me.

You are doing great. 

With Love, 


When I dare to be powerful—

to use my strength in the service of my vision—

then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.


PS: Thank you so much for all of the birthday wishes. I am so grateful for your love. 

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