Oct 25, 2020 10:01 am

Dearest ,

I am sitting at my desk, Benji at my feet, watching a lizard slowly inch its way directly in front of my eye line. It appears to be a little dance, a show of impressive neck stretches and sweet steps.

I see you bud. 

Maybe a long lost friend…

I take a sip of water. 

Next, a woman pushing by with stroller, strong, big headphones on, heart hunched over, and breathing deep.

I feel you lady. 


Mariah Carey comes on via the playlist streaming in my dining room, aka our yoga room. 

I am smiling now. 

I’ve been feeling a little empty, but now I am smiling again.

A shift, and one I welcome. 

By the time you read this, I will be on a little journey to find a short bout of solace to work on an upcoming project that I think you will be excited to hear about. Think, Jan 2021, if you dare.

Let me get through my gestation and circle back on that. 

For now, this week, amidst what could be felt as a most turbulent time, especially in my country, it is time for a pulse-check. 

Time to fly a crow, get your healthy blood flow, transform into a wild thing, befriend an Alien, howl at the full moon, and rest easy in corpse pose.

A YWA Tradition since 2012, your 2020 Halloween practice is here: 


Yoga for When You Feel Dead Inside

Some days are harder than others, you feel empty, it’s difficult, and that is okay. 

Some days you feel stiff, unmotivated, almost frozen, staring out at the lizard. 

I have your back.

Share this practice with family, a friend, or your BOO. Use it to connect and reset, and move in the direction that makes you feel alive.

Visit the calendar page HERE to get access to YWA Halloween week. It’s all free, it’s all fun, and a great way to get ready and set for a new month in November too. 

With Love,


PS: Voting feels good. Have you seen Benji’s Get Out The Vote cartoon yet? Click here to receive any gentle support you may need and to watch his first animated movie. (He is calling it a movie.) #votewithbenji

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