Ground Into Gratitude & Invite Your Inner World To REST

Nov 22, 2020 12:01 pm

Dearest ,

I write you from the Texas Hill Country, where the morning fog is comforting and everything is damp from a sweet sunrise drizzle. 

We have been out here shooting our next 30 Day Yoga Journey, which I will announce in Dec, and begins January 1st. 

Details are headed your way soon, but in the meantime, if you think you may want a January 1st, 2021 plan… I have your back.

While we will be entering the second phase of the project here promptly after Thanksgiving, I wrap today with gratitude in my heart and a genuine readiness to find a moment to rest this coming week. 

How are you feeling?

Today’s free featured practice guides you through a series of poses to balance the root chakra and cultivate grounding with gratitude. 

When the root chakra, or Muladhara, is out of balance a person can feel anxious, uneasy, fearful, worried and stressed. This can lead to low energy and low immunity and an overall sense of instability. 

Use the tools of yoga to strengthen and balance the root chakra, the foundation of all the other chakras. 

Cultivate self love, stability, and sense of security. You are worthy and deserving. 

Remind yourself, you are awesome and you are supported! Take good care of yourself so you can take good care of others.


Grounding Into Gratitude

My new series REST is now rolling out on the FWFG APP and at

I’ve been contemplating how this series was really born out of my own wrestle with conscious rest and the ways in which I devote and apply myself to work, learning, and ultimately - living a life of service.

The rest is imperative.

It is most necessary for being of service.

And for healing, alignment, loving yourself, and living in a flow state. 

This 7 day series is made from the heart and perfect before bedtime.

The third in the series will drop this week. You can check out the first two practices here.

Ground into gratitude. 

And, don’t forget to make time to 

Invite your inner world to REST.  

I love you. I am so grateful for you. 

Tons more from me soon. 



Rest is the conversation between what we love to do and how we love to be. Rest is the essence of giving and receiving; an act of remembering, imaginatively and intellectually but also physiologically and physically. To rest is to give up on the already exhausted will as the prime motivator of endeavor, with its endless outward need to reward itself through established goals. To rest is to give up on worrying and fretting and the sense that there is something wrong with the world unless we are there to put it right; to rest is to fall back literally or figuratively from outer targets and shift the goal not to an inner static bull’s eye, an imagined state of perfect stillness, but to an inner state of natural exchange. 

From Consolations, by DAVID WHYTE 

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