How We Really Learn To Fully Love

Oct 18, 2020 10:01 am

Dear ,

I was recently asked to share something that I thought I knew, but later found out that I was wrong. 

While there are many things I can chew on, I got to thinking about how 10 years ago I thought I knew what the ultimate for loving and caring for myself looked like - but I was wrong. 

Yesterday I thought I knew what self love and self care looked like - but I was wrong. 

It later dawned on me that self care is actually the process in which you get to know yourself. 

Let’s take a moment with this. Again,

Self care is actually the process in which you get to know yourself…

And what that looks like is always changing in relation to who you are and where you are each and every new day. 

To keep showing up, and checking in regularly is to know and care for thyself. 

It’s how we really learn to fully love.

Today’s free featured practice is a practice to help you let it go - 


Let It Go Yoga Flow

And here are this week’s free featured practices just in case you need a guide back, an anchor, a pal:

Today: Let It Go Flow - 19 min - Learn to let it go. For you. 

Monday: Throat Chakra Yoga - 21 min - Use your voice. For the world. Tuesday: Yoga For When You Are Angry - 18 min - Times are extremely tough right now.

Wednesday: Yoga Wash - 23 min - Move it, transform it, feel better. 

Thursday: Yoga To Shift Perspective - 20 min - Unity invites this, practice. Friday: Wind Down Yoga -12 min - Conscious rest, are you getting enough?
Saturday: Yoga Party - 28 min - Make a date with someone next Sat and let’s party. 

The hardest part is showing up. I will meet you there. 

Click here to get your free calendar or to bookmark the playlist for your practices this week.

Take excellent care, my friend. I send you my love. 



PS: I early voted in Texas, my home state! Find your gentle voting support and check out Benji’s animated Get Out The Vote cartoon at! #votewithbenji

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