My Motivation For Getting On The Mat

Oct 11, 2020 10:01 am

Dear ,

Our yoga practice offers us the opportunity to explore the breath and the body, which can hold remnants of the impact of stress and trauma. 

I have discovered that time on the mat can really help us look at the root of where a feeling or sensation is coming from, which then can allow us to process and move it till we feel more balanced, or more present and alive. 

It can be difficult to make it to the mat, yes, no doubt.

But, let the longing for reconnection to your inner wisdom motivate you. 

When I begin to allow my own desire to know and love my self deeper and to be at peace with my own whole self, I make an intention to allow those precise feelings of longing to motivate me. This - versus sculpting repetitions that leave me checked out and feeling a little less than? I am there man.

So I thought I might offer you this reminder and invitation today too. Come to the mat with the knowing that you can alter not just the shape or sensation in your body - but in your consciousness as well.

Yoga may not be an instant magical fix nor a fortune teller but it is a great tool for recognizing and reconnecting with what matters most.

Today’s featured practice is honestly the ultimate 2020 pandemic session, because it brings a fire to welcome (maybe whip) you back to the present, along with a beautiful and loving opportunity to reset, re-center, and begin again.


Yoga for Self Discipline

Our October ACTION calendar continues with free videos on the YouTube channel every day, plus - starting tomorrow we are practicing my BOOST & CHILL Series on the FWFG App. This series consists of a metabolism-boosting strength practice, a calming practice for the nervous system, and a mindfulness meditation that I’ve been told feels like a heal-all salve. Click here to join us!

I look forward to seeing you this Friday, Oct 16th for our Anchored In Love - Live Practice series with Practice Yoga Austin. I have not posted about this on social media yet, but as soon as I do, it will be SOLD OUT. So here is the link if you wish to reserve a spot!

Breathe deep, my darling, enjoy the day, and may it be lighter than the last. 



PS: Early voting in the US has begun! Have you seen Benji’s movie yet? Visit for some gentle voting support. 


“All great spirituality teaches about letting go of what you don’t need and who you are not. Then, when you can get little enough and naked enough and poor enough, you’ll find that the little place where you really are is ironically more than enough and is all that you need. At that place, you will have nothing to prove to anybody and nothing to protect.

That place is called freedom.”

Richard Rohr

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