a compilation of mind blowing wisdom

Aug 30, 2024 3:30 pm

Hey ,

I wanna do something a bit different with this week’s email. I wanna share with you some powerful perspectives that have expanded my mind and felt like a healing balm to my heart. I’ll leave you with some questions to reflect on for the weekend x


Reflection questions:

  • How do you feel about life now? Is the Universe sending you messages you have yet to notice?
  • What is the work you’re called to do in this season of life? (note: the “work” in this season may not be tangible work, it could be the inner work that tugs at you subtly)


Reflection questions:

  • What attachments can you release?
  • Which areas have you been exerting control or having expectations in? Have they been serving you?


Reflection questions:

  • Is there any area or project where you find yourself needing to continuously motivate yourself to work at it?
  • If you didn’t have to worry about time, money, and the opinions of others, how will this change things?


Reflection questions:

  • Create a block of uninterrupted time and space. Simply feel your emotions with non-judgement. You don’t need to explain it or even understand it. Simply feel it.
  • Speak to them. Have a conversation with them. What are my emotions trying to communicate to me?


Reflection questions:

  • What are some of the rules I have about success, money, ambition, beauty (the list goes on)? Highlight 5 significant ones. Where did these rules originate from? Do I want to change them or keep them? How can I challenge them?


We’ve been conditioned to believe that we need to work hard (and hate work) in order to make money and survive. Is this true? Do we want this to be true? What if doing what excites you IS the right way to live?


Reflection questions:

  • Am I consciously choosing the kind of people I surround myself with? Or am I just going with the flow/ doing what is convenient?


Each and everyone one of us have gifts. We need to choose who we express these gifts to, and who we hang around. As an extrovert and professional communicator, socialising and leading conversations come easy to me, so easy to me that sometimes I just overdo them, instead of taking a pause and asking myself - Do I actually want to hang out with this person? Do I actually have the capacity? Am I leaving energy for my alone time?

When something comes easily to us, it’s easy to give it away without us realising. Energy is our precious resource. Expand it in the right circles.

I hope this compilation inspires you this weekend! It’s been a hectic week for me, I’m currently revamping the Own Your Voice training portal and refining my methodology. Over the past two years, the way I see live has completely changed. I’ve seen things I cannot unsee, and came to certain realisations that completely shifted my world. I’m looking forward to reflect all of this in the work I do with clients wanting to own their voice.

Stay tuned for more updates! I’m planning more offerings apart from my coaching circle, in order to make my work even more accessible to more of you. :)

xx Rae
