afraid of making the wrong decision or choosing the wrong path?
Aug 16, 2024 10:00 am
Dear ,
“I’m indecisive. I’m terrible at making decisions.” I felt this about myself for the longest time.
It is the decisions that seem utterly life-changing that torment me.
Which university course to choose?
Should I stay or leave a business partnership that feels misaligned to me yet very beneficial to my career?
Do I stay persistent and try to make this relationship work or decide that it’s best to let go?
Am I truly letting go what doesn’t serve me, or am I just succumbing to my limiting beliefs??
I scramble to ask for a ton of advice from mentors, friends, anyone.
Since young I’ve been taught to value the opinion of someone who is older, more experienced, especially men or “more masculine” mentors.
My gut would be nudging me towards a particular direction but I couldn’t trust myself to listen to it. I kept second guessing myself over and over again until I get a migraine.
One time, I unexpectedly broke out in tears as I was having dinner with my family as a result of all the pressure and misalignment.
What if I made a wrong decision? I didn’t want to mess up my life.
One day a friend of mine shared a powerful mindset with me that became one of my guiding principles in life.
“Rae, you don’t need to logicalize your decisions. If something doesn’t feel right, that’s a good enough reason to let go.”
And so I let go. I let go of a particular business opportunity that didn’t feel aligned with me, even though my logical brain kept convincing me otherwise (which really is made up of all the advice I’ve gotten from older people over the years).
Once I let go, I achieved my highest income in the next month.
Wow. There’s actually so much wisdom in our emotions. Our body has powerful inner wisdom that know what we need.
My indecisiveness was rooted in fear. Fear of not making the “right” choice. Fear of losing out on life. Fear of looking stupid. All this fear, when the truth is that life is happening FOR us and not against us.
There’s no “missing out”, as long as we’re tuning to our inner wisdom every step of the way.
There’s infinite opportunity in the world. Even if we make a “wrong” choice, we’ll get the opportunity to choose again.
Don’t ask for advice. Seek perspective.
Advice is always given through the lens of someone else’s experiences, values, upbringing, biases. No matter how conventionally successful someone may be, they don’t know you better than you. They aren’t living your life, you are.
At the end of the day, we’re the artists creating our masterpiece of life. Our entire life is our work of art, and the beautiful thing about this canvas is that you can use as much paint as you want to hide “mistakes” and change your mind along the way.
Take time to cultivate safety, trust, and deep connection with your voice. Learn how to lean in and listen, all the answers are within you.
When I first started coaching years ago, I coached a lot on the techniques of public speaking, stage presence and speech delivery (which is an art I absolutely love, having been a professional emcee for a decade).
What's interesting is I realised in the past year, the kind of clients that come into my coaching program are rising leaders who need the guidance in listening to their innermost voice. They yearn to show up as their authentic self, fully and unapologetically. They want to show up with confidence on stage and online, leading their teams and their people. They want to tap into creativity and inspiration so they never know what to write on social media. And here's the thing...
The foundation to all of this is in tuning in to our inner wisdom, every step of the way. When you learn how to tune within and see your voice as a reliable source of safety and direction, you'll lead life with a lot more peace and freedom.
Get a taste of what I mean by all of this on 24th Aug!
If you're based in Singapore, I'll love to invite you to an in-person meet up I'm co-organising. I honestly don't know if I'd be based in Singapore for long (if you've been following my emails, you'd know I'm in the season of finding my next home)... so, if you want to catch one of my in-person events, this is the time to do it.
Expansive Conversations + Main Character Life Hacks
This is a fun, productive rest event for ambitious peeps who want to meet new friends and gain fresh perspectives about living a more fulfilling life.
I'll be co-hosting this with my good friend Bella, whom I've told time and time again, how spending 1 month in bali hanging with her has changed my life 🏝🍵
As a workaholic and obsessive planner who seeks certainty, I’ve learnt how to live a life of gentle surrender
Observing how ms bella lives her life with intention while inviting space for spontaneity and magic… how she draws boundaries and respects her energy, how she brings fun into her business and creative work…
This has transformed the way I see and experience life, and I can't wait to introduce you to her too :)
Gift yourself an afternoon of productive rest and invite possibility and wonder :)
Indicate your interest in this form (will just take you 2 mins!) and more details will be sent out via EMAIL by 18 Aug :)
I'll see you then!
xx Rae