The MOST important thing for success

Jan 16, 2025 11:01 pm

Dear ,

The most important thing you need for success in your business/ brand/ career is not more strategy, it’s not more marketing skills, it’s not even having the best product in the world.

It is — a strong and trusting relationship with your inner voice. Your state of mind. Your state of being. Because without this one thing, the skill and strategy just won’t work.

Your state of mind (influenced by your thoughts + how you speak to yourself) will determine how you show up for your clients and audience.

If you’re using all these skills and strategies from a place of lack/ not-good-enough-ness (I.e. “I need to be more strategic in my branding or else I won’t get clients. That’s why I am not getting clients now…”) then no matter how much content you put out, your energy will communicate lack.

Energy does not lie. Your brand presence does not lie.

But if you use these skills and strategies thinking: “My service is so needed in this world, truly. I’m so proud of the work I do, and I’m really looking forward to trying these strategies so that more people can benefit from my work.” Then the way you show up will be completely different.

Lack attracts more lack. Abundance attracts greater abundance.

When you are able to be in a powerful place of abundance, when you feel whole and energised, when you know you lack nothing — you will be in the best place to provide your service to the best of your ability. 

How you think, will influence how you speak/ act/ run your business/ service your clients/ show up on social media.

So be bloody disciplined about how you govern your mind.

Don’t let your mind run YOU.

YOU have to direct your mind to think the thoughts you want it to think.

Want to build a timeless personal brand? Then make sure you’re doing what it takes to build a relationship with your voice that survives the test of time.

Your brand is not a machine. Your brand is build on a living breathing alive relationship with your audience. And in any relationship, both parties have to work on themselves (the relationship with their inner voice).

Build a relationship with yourself, before building a relationship with your audience (or with anyone, for that matter).

If you’re reading this thinking: ok 2025 is the year I want to build a more trusting relationship with my voice and build a brand that sticks like an octopus on my ideal client's mind...

You gotta come tomorrow ok seriously

I'll be teaching you exactly what you need to build a strong and sustainable brand.

This is for: The Rising Leader – entrepreneurs and rising corporate leaders who either

(1) have to be in the spotlight more in 2025 (i.e. leading their team, speaking on stages), or

(2) want to grow the impact of their voice (building an internal or public brand) 

Look forward to: 

  • Learning how you can shift your perspective and approach to branding in order to stand out in 2025 and beyond 
  • Understand the 4 phases or brand building so you may tap into a bigger vision 
  • Tackling your concerns around “niching down” or “defining an ideal audience” 
  • Understanding the Anatomy of your Unique Voice and chart your growth path ahead
  • Leave with a greater clarity of your brand and strategic steps to make it a timeless one that evolves with you

Learn More Here

If you want to be extra prepped, sign up for both masterclasses, and you'll receive the recording for Masterclass 1 (that happened last week) which you can dive into and learn how to unlock the power of your unique voice in 2025.


xx Rae
