2025 can be your best year ever.
Jan 03, 2025 12:01 pm
Dear ,
I want this week's newsletter to give you some inspiration and a little kick in the ass for the new year.
On 1st Jan, I posed this on Instagram: 🎇 2024 Wrap-up (in pics) + 2025 Energy (in my original quotes).
In this newsletter I chose 3 quotes from the 10 to dive deeper into, share stories, and give you powerful reflection questions and action steps to put it into action. You know why?
Because I truly want 2025 to be your best year ever.
Because I know you're sick of playing small, or listening to your critical thoughts dissuade you from using your voice to a greater degree.
Because I know you believe in the work you do, but there are times you find yourself running out of willpower and you silently wish things were easier.
If you’ve been working hella hard this year and you’re not where you want to be… I get it.
For more than two decades of my life I was constantly overlooked and undervalued. I was the hardest worker in the room, and yet – I didn’t get the opportunities I needed to deliver the value I knew I could.
Today, life is a complete 180 for me. I've achieved what's beyond my wildest dreams.
And so, I want to speak this into existence for you -- 2025 is the year you’ll be seen for the real value you offer to the world. 2025 is the year you show up with great confidence and conviction for your message, speaking with impact and connecting deeply with your audience like never before.
So let's go! Here are the 3 original quotes I've chosen from the 10 I've created across 2024. Read this first, and then if you'd like, read all 10 quotes on Instagram.
First - as someone who used to have crippling self-esteem, this quote of mine still inspires me till this day. It's a reminder to myself that I don't need to know everything, I simply have to accept my current state and show up with integrity.
What this means is this:
- Acknowledge what I know and what I don't know. Be honest with myself.
- Sit in the discomfort of "not knowing". As a high-achiever, it's hard to admit that you're not good at something yet. But you have to embrace it. Literally sit in uncomfortable feelings and simply be.
- Ensure you're taking action to practice what you don't know. Acting in integrity is this: be honest with what you want and show up accordingly.
Second quote - I've always been a planner, determined to make every second productive for me. The biggest lesson I've learnt in 2024 is this: the answers find you when you are ready to receive it, often in the most surprising packages.
For me, the "answer" came in the form of picking up dance as a hobby. Old rae would NEVER invest time and energy in something outside of work. But I started dancing right before I reached the edge of burnout, and it changed my life. I became more connected with my body and remembered what it's like to learn and live again.
I've seen this lesson show up in many of my clients Own Your Voice Journey.
They come to me wanting to grow their voice to elevate the way they show up on social media, but we end up spending a good amount of time in other areas - i.e. drawing boundaries in their relationships, having tough conversations, learning how to lead by being better at framing conversations... And working on these areas end up leading them to a breakthrough in their original goal.
You're likely receiving nudges on what you've to work on.
A few questions to ask yourself are:
- What are the gentle messages and nudges I've been getting?
- Am I creating time and energy to receive them, and communicate with them?
- What do I choose to do about it?
Third quote - I'll let you read it as it is:
Many people want the big flashy opportunities, but they aren't treating the "small" opportunities with the respect it deserves.
Let me ask you:
- Are you delivering your best in a room of 3, that gives you the right to speak to a room of hundreds?
- Are you speaking to yourself with grace when you fail at something small, so that you allow for your nervous system to tackle something big?
How you show up and speak to yourself in the small moments will amplify into the bigger ones. So if you're beating yourself up with the small things, it is no wonder the Universe doesn't give you bigger things.
The Universe has your back. She is here to protect you. She will never give you anything you can't handle.
So if you aren't receiving the opportunities you want, the question you should be asking yourself is this: In what ways do I have to expand my capacity in order to receive these bigger opportunities?
Does your energy need expansion? (i.e. are you always tired?)
Does your sense of belief and vision need expansion?
The more honest you get with yourself, the better your 2025 will be.
Owning Your Voice is drama-free when you are clear of your desired winning and bonus results.
As you embark on your Own Your Voice Journey in 2025, remember the lessons I shared here. If at any point you're unhappy with the state of your unique voice, you ask yourself:
1. What are the standards I'm holding myself to?
2. Am I clear of my desired outcome?
3. Do I have an action plan and a routine that leads me to my desired outcome?
And if you need help with any of these, I'm here for you :)
I've designed 2 power-packed, interactive Masterclasses for you to prepare for the new year. Because I really want to see you shine like you're meant to.
Masterclass 1
Unlock the Power of your Unique Voice in 2025
Start speaking with presence and influence so that you’ll be seen, heard and recognised.
>> 9 Jan 2025, Thursday, 8.30 - 10 PM (SGT)
Masterclass 2
Build a Timeless Brand in 2025
Speak specifically to your ideal audience in an increasingly noisy world & build a future-proof brand that evolves with you.
>> 18 Jan 2025, Saturday, 10 - 11.30 AM (SGT)
Your voice is too unique, your message is too important, to get lost in the crowd. The first step towards evolving into your next level self is this:
- Open yourself to a new perspective
- Commit to taking aligned action (like you've never done before)
I'm going teach you everything you need to speak with impact and show up with influence. You'll build an unforgettable brand in your organisation and/or your industry. Let's make 2025 your year.
I'll see you there! Let the state of your unique voice in 2025 be the reflection of the standards you've committed to today.
xx Rae