What tasks are good candidates for AI?

Every day I am trying, working with, & learning how AI tech works for my personal and business use. It seems to me that figuring out how/where to use AI is an issue interested in leveraging it, even if you already realize the importance of the to...

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Sep 06, 2023
What is in your tech stack?

When new clients (or even some old ones) approach me with a technical problem, nowadays I tend to find myself sounding like I am on repeat: "Have you written down all the tech you got?"That seems like an easy question, but after years or decades of b...

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Aug 22, 2023
Let's talk about AI for your business

I attended the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Conference (MAICON) in Cleveland in late July 2023. (Here are my notes from day 1 and day 2). I walked away with my head full of ideas, eyes wide open to business possibilities, and hopeful.Today, Arti...

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Aug 17, 2023
What are the symptoms your biz tech is out-of-control?

Last week, I noted I've pivoted to focus on business technology strategy. I've increasingly tackled businesses' hairy technology issues, platform decisions, and other strategy concerns tied to their goals.So, what does this mean for you if you a...

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Aug 14, 2023