What do you REALLY mean when you say you need a website?

Aug 21, 2024 2:06 pm

Many businesses express a desire for a website (or refresh) as a starting point for growth. But let’s take a moment to explore what that really means. Often, when my clients say they need a website, they're not just looking for an online presence; they're seeking a fresh approach to their sales and marketing efforts.

A website can be a powerful tool to help launch, advance, or enhance your business. However, it often becomes a catch-all concept when talked about—a way to "drive more business" or "get our product out there." While these goals are valid, relying solely on a website can lead to frustration. A site alone cannot replace a well-thought-out marketing and sales strategy.

To truly succeed, it’s essential your website is part of a broader plan. Start by thinking about what you want your website to achieve. Is it about increasing sales, building brand awareness, or engaging with customers? Understanding your goals will help shape your website’s design and content.

Equally important is knowing your audience. What do they need? What challenges do they face? Tailoring your website to address these questions can make a significant difference. Plus, your website should work hand-in-hand with your marketing efforts, whether that includes social media, email campaigns, or other outreach.

While a website is a vital part of the equation, it’s not the only piece. By adopting a holistic approach that combines your online presence with a solid marketing and sales plan, you can turn your website into a true asset for growth.

Let’s navigate your web journey together. If you’d like to discuss how to align your website with your business strategy & tech, I’m here to help. Just hit reply.

Your Business Tech Expert,

