Fam... keep your eyes on your waistline. Remember sha...you slim dont mean you are healthy! #ariellahealth #ariellafitness #lifestylemedicine #medic #thankful
Children learn by example. If you as the parent is eating healthy, they will automatically follow suit. Ok...Maybe with small drag. But, it is better for their future health. . I like the 80/20 principle to healthy eating. 80% of the time, eat healthy... 20% of the time you are allowed some 'flexibility'. Don't make it the other way round in the name of 'enjoyment'. . #ariellahealth #ariellafitness #lifestylemedicine #healthrestored #childhoodobesity
There is a very limited time offer for Mental health consultation with @anwurimacee When ever Ariella health and fitness clients have a session with Dr Masi... the testimonies are mind blowing... Yes... on all our long programs, mental health sessions are part of the package. Head over to @anwurimacee, click the link in her bio and secure your slot!!! #mentalhealth #clarity #lifestylemedicine
????????? Happy Sunday!! #anticipate #thankfulheart #thanksgivingsunday
Ahhhhhh!!!!! Today feels like graduation ???????? So excited for the 16 game changers that just passed through this course!!! Meanwhile....International Certification Loading!!!! WAITLIST FOR JANUARY COHORT IS IN THE BIO.... click and join in...so you do not miss a thing. *THERE IS NO DISCRIMINATION AGAINST EXCELLENCE* #healthcoachingacademy #healthcoach #lifestylemedicine #thankful
When @chef_tollu decides to blow a 'fitfam' life .... 'King Solomon mood'! #thankful #fruitplatter #vegetables #fruits #foodie
Saturday Morning Public Service Announcement ???????? Ngwa... gerrup and move. #moveforyourhealth #lifestylemedicine #homegym
Wherever mama is...we got her!!! Just whatsapp us on +2349122400623 or +2349022713581 And hand her over to us...let us help you save on medical bills. #ariellahealth #lifestylemedicine #diabetes #hypertension #diabetes #ostearthritis
Ah!!!!!! This is the reason we do all we do!!!! All we did was create a personalised plan for Baba. Baba is on plenty medication, but was still not getting control. Now: Baba is happy. Son is happy We are happy Fam... when it comes to Lifestyle Medicine... No one does it better!! #africasbest The question is ARE YOU READY TO DO ALL IT TAKES??? DM or whatsapp +2349022713581 or +2349122400623 to start your healing journey #lifestylemedicine #diabetes #hypertension #africasbest
In- person Lifestyle Medicine consultations at @funtaakbeautyclinic on Saturday 25th right here in Lagos??? blood pressure check blood sugar check Weight check Vital review Meal plan/ exercise recommendations Recommend extensive lifestyle modifications... Click link in bio to schedule your appointment or just whatsapp 09122400623. Good Health is priceless fam!!! P.s: strictly by Appointment #lifestylemedicine #eatclean #medic #doctor #boardcertified #discount
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