? Spicy Black Beans & Corn ? Rice At your discretion, just add a piece of habanero to your sofrito. This rice was really good!! For those that enjoy spicy food of course. ? #spicyrice #blackbeansandcorn #jasminrice #arrozpicante #habaneroinfused #sofrito #healthyrican #latinspices
In case you’ve ever wondered… this how this Nutrition Dork got started. This picture is from 2012, I’d been obsessed with nutrition for years. I had read tons of books and magazines, and had joined many programs and subscriptions way before attending @nutritionschool This was just a small portion of my collection. So for those that ask me how I came up with the name of Nutrition Dork for my business… This is why! ?? @nutritiondork It just came up in conversation one day as I talked about becoming a Health Coach. “I’m a Nutrition Dork” I said. I loved it so much, I registered the domain the next day. Without a plan or knowing what that would turn into. Little that I knew that my passion for healthy living and creating my Latin/Puerto Rican favorites would turn into what @healthyrican is today. And I can’t wait to keep creating and what’s to come. ? #Grateful #ThankYou - Mayra #NutritionDorkLLC #CreatorOfHealthyRican #Cookbook #LatinSpices #HolisticHealthCoach #NutritionDork #ForNutritionDorks #HealthyLiving #HealthyLatinFoodsForAll #TakingAlignedInspiredAction #GoForIt
Okay friends, I had a few of the small sazón jars left… So… I’ve decided to sell them paired up with the Salt-Free Adobo as a Holiday Sale. ONLY 60 of these in stock! For just $10 ? . Believe me when I say, these won’t last long. Stock up now while you can. Order your combo today at HealthyRican.com . Omg… these would be a great stocking stuffer!! ? #healthyrican #latinspice #healthylatinfood #puertoricanfood #saltfreeseasonings #saltfree #adobocriollo #sazon #spicesforall #latinfood #healthyfoods #spicesbynutritiondork #latinahealthcoach #latinaownedbusiness #creatingchange #sharinglatinculture
Vegetarian ? “Asopao de Gandules” #PigeonPeasSoup #Asopao #AsopaoDeGandules #PuertoRicanFood #SopaDeGandules #HealthyRican #LatinSpices #VegetarianSoup
? Just found out that @barnesandnoble has a 10% discount code that people can use to buy my book online (and any other books)! ? . ? The code is: Merry10 Valid until tomorrow 12/8 . What a great deal! I haven’t seen any discounts anywhere else for my book, so I figured I’d share in case you don’t have it yet. . P.S. This would make a great gift for a loved one that loves to cook and/or enjoys eating healthy. ☺️ . P.S.S. If you have it, can you please leave a review? It would help the book be seen. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ . #healthyrican.com #healthyrican #cookbook #latinspices #healthyrecipebook #healthylivingguide #choosehealthyfoods #puertoricancookbook #bynutritiondork #mayraluzcolon
Limited quantities! ?Only at healthyrican.com Perfect gift for a anyone! Personalize in the notes. ? . . . #HealthyRican #LatinSpices #AllNatural #PureFlavor #QueRico #Adobo #Sazon #Sofrito
Tonight we will be making plant based “canoas de platano”. . Please join us!! . Where: @healthyrican ? on Instagram When: 7:30pm EST ⏰ . #LatinasAlPoder #HealthyLatinas #LatinaHealthCoach #PlantBasedLatinFood #HealthyLatinFood #BoricuaStyle #PlantainRecipes #HealthyRican #NutritionDork
Join us TOMORROW! ?? @7:30pm EST on my Instagram page @healthyrican. I’ll be doing my first live cooking demo, accompanied by a fellow Latina Health Coach. . Karla @thelatinahealthcoach and I have many things in common, and both passionate about re-creating our favorite Latin foods in a healthy way! . Together we will be making plant based “canoas de platano”. . Please join us!! . Where: @healthyrican ? on Instagram When: 7:30pm EST ⏰ . #LatinasAlPoder #HealthyLatinas #LatinaHealthCoach #PlantBasedLatinFood #HealthyLatinFood #BoricuaStyle #PlantainRecipes #HealthyRican #NutritionDork
El arroz con gandules que hice para Thanksgiving! ? Quedo delicioso!! ? En Español (Spanglish) lol.. porque me lo han pedido. Más en Español e Inglés… #ComingSoon #querico #healthyrican #adobocriollo #sazonnatural #sazonboricua #arrozcongandules #purosabor
Happy Small Business Saturday!! ❤️ Good news… I’ve had our small sofritos replenished. With this I’ve created a nice Holiday Gift Bag with our trio. This is a perfect gift for anyone that enjoys delicious food (and/or to keep for yourself). The Holiday Gift Bag includes: - El Trio Perfecto (Adobo, Sazón, and Dry Sofrito) - Holiday Recipe Cards - A candy cane - And a printed note from you in case you wish to send as a gift (you can write a note during the checkout process). - Plus it comes in a cute festive shipping bag with snowmen and snowflakes. There will be limited amounts of the Holiday Gift Bag and will be the same price as the trio, Only $19.97. However, for Small Business Saturday until Cyber Monday (11/27 - 11/29) it will only be $17.97!! You can order yours at: healtyrican.com
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