Instagram LogoMay is Lyme Disease Awareness Month ?   In honor of us survivors of late stage chronic Lyme, I’d like to share my journey.     To start, I’d like to ask everyone, please be compassionate to those with any autoimmune and invisible illness. Just because someone looks “okay” or “normal” doesn’t mean we should dismiss how they feel.     By experience, just having someone that listens without dismissing, or judging helps one feel supported. Listen and be empathetic with those you know are going through something unpleasant (whatever that may be).     In my journey, there has been many people that have been there for me to listen, and help me navigate the emotions that come with it. Without the support, I probably wouldn’t have been able to shift out of negative thoughts, and taken action to live a healthier lifestyle with ease and flow.     For years I was running on empty. Illness pushed me to focus on well-being, going within, take care of myself, taking breaks, relax, focus on self-care, and most importantly, start trusting in people again. I could never have done this alone, and for that I will always be grateful.     It’s now become a lifestyle, and a daily journey of living well. It’s definitely an everyday practice.   ❤️   To those dealing with an invisible illness, reach out if you need it. There are always people willing to listen, and support you. Sometimes it requires to open up, and showing a bit of vulnerability.     Much love,   Mayra    P.S. I will share more throughout this month. Ways to live a holistic lifestyle with ease and flow.   .  .  .  .  #LymeWellness #LymeAwarenessMonth #ItsReal #HealingFromDisease #LymeDisease #Autoimmune #ChoosingEase #Health #Wellness #Vitality #JourneyToHealth #LymeWellnessWarrior #PuertoRican #HealthyLatina #WellnessAdvocate #HealthCoach #HolisticLiving #HealthyRican #ThisIsMe #JourneyToHealth #ThickGirl #NutritionDork #MindBodySpirit #HealthAndWellnessSimplified