Instagram Logo? Living with Chronic Lyme ? It hasn’t been an easy journey. Many twists and turns. But it’s not about trying to straighten the path, it’s about learning how to enjoy the ride. It’s been over 3 years since being diagnosed and I’ve never used antibiotics. Here’s what has worked for me to manage flare ups and symptoms (in no specific order): - Sleep; Making sure I have good night sleeps 8+ hours, When my body really needs the rest (have flare ups) I sleep in even if I’m late for work, and take a day off at least once a month. At the beginning it was often but it’s becoming less and less because I’m also taking care of myself in other ways. - De-Stress; I make sure I take time for myself and do things that relax me. Doesn’t have to cost money. I take hot showers or baths, retreat in my room, read, use essential oils, meditate, yoga, dance while I cook, and even watch tv. Whatever works. - Acupuncture; regular acupuncture has saved my life. I was at a point that walking was painful, had high blood pressure, extreme fatigue, etc. Acupuncture has helped with all of these and more including sleeping better. - Nutrition; making sure I get in nutrient dense foods, stick to anti-inflammatory foods, keep a healthy balance. - Mindset work and emotional freedom techniques; This has been one of the most powerful ones. For a while I was really stuck in a negative victim mentally, keeping me feeling low and useless. After working on my mindset, every thing in my life has shifted and I keep making progress in every area. - Sporadic detoxing; I do these when I fall of the wagon with my diet, or start feeling bloated and sluggish . I do these during the Spring, and whenever I feel I need it. These are just a few of the most important things that have helped me in my journey. Everyone is different, but trying things out and lifestyle changes is the only way to figure out what works for you. Seek professional help if you need health and guidance while learning to manage your symptoms. #YouGotThis #ThereIsHope #ChronicIllness #LymeDiseaseAwarenessMonth #LivingWithLyme #LymeDisease #LymeWellnessWarrior #AutoimmuneDisease #AutoimmuneAwareness #InvisibleIllness