Instagram LogoMost of us wait until illness hits to start taking care of our health. I know most health professionals advise to be pro-active, and focus on prevention, however most of us don’t. So what do we do? I think it’s important to focus on bio-individuality and pay attention to the signals our body sends us. Our body will always let us know something is off, yet we tend to ignore it, and that is where the real problem is. How long have you had a symptom and waited to get checked out? I used to be like that. I would ignore until it became unbearable many times. As humans we tend to do that. However, as we tune into our body on a daily basis, and stay mindful of what we really need, that’s were the magic happens. Now, I’m personally being proactive and taking steps to prevent any more issues, and even reversing some of the damage caused. I’ve learned the hard way. My body put me down because I wouldn’t do it myself. Autoimmune and Lyme disease have thought me to slow down and take care of myself. It didn’t have to get to that, but I had ignored so many signals throughout so many years. If you’re like me, just know you are not alone. I share my journey in order to help others discover their own bio-individuality and path to well-being. We all have a unique internal guidance, sometimes we just have to dig for it, and if I can help along the way... I am here. ❤️ Remember the key is to genuinely start following your gut and soul, that intuition and little voice inside that knows the way. Not just for our health, but for our life and well-being. Xoxo