Be SPONTANEOUS this week!

Oct 05, 2020 5:01 pm

We spontaneously bought our bikes. (If you didn't read yesterday's email, Erin and I bought bikes.)

But before we get to that story, why is it that as adults...

We are cautious?

We are afraid of the unknown?

We tend to put our fears and place limits on ourselves and others?

Idk the "right" answer to it. Nobody does. But if I had to guess, one of the reasons is we have lost the "kid" that we once were.

The little person who lived in the moment. Lived FOR the moment. And who would jump at the chance to do something spontaneous and FUN.

Is this YOU?!? Do you find yourself limiting your life to a structured box that feels safe in the moment, yet deep down you know that it is not the life you wish to live.

If you read yesterday's message, you know I bought a bike. Well we bought bikes. (Erin and I)

Here's how that came to be...

Friday night we were walking on the lake, and we stopped our good friend Mason who was out crushing it on his bike.


He's one of the people we look to for adventure inspiration & wisdom^^^ (that's him).

After that conversation, we both knew that was something we needed in our lives. So after some texts back and forth with Mason, we knew of a couple bike shops to go check out.

  1. Mellow Johnny's (Unfortunately they were out of hybrid bikes. This place is awesome though! It even has a coffee shop attached to it. Definitely recommend checking it out.)
  2. Bicycle Sport Shop (Winner winner chicken dinner, we got there at 4:45 and bought our bikes as they were closing at 5pm)

So flash forward 24hrs after stopping Mason on his ride (sorry buddy) we were coming home with 2-bikes...and I am not kidding, I felt like a little kid again because I was anxious to ride them.

I am not trying to make a short story long, so here's the point.

  1. Surround yourself with friends/family who inspire the hell out of you to LIVE life.
  2. If your gut is telling you something, LISTEN to it.
  3. Most importantly, get your spontaneous gene back. There is a little kid in there that has hopes, dreams, and THRIVES off the fact that life is happening RIGHT NOW.

ps: if you know me personally, you know I don't bullshit around. I say what I do, and do what I say, with hope & wishful thinking that others will do the same.

Erin and I slammed 16-miles up and down the ATX hills yesterday. We stopped for food at True Food Kitchen, then biked another 4-miles home. I do not care whether you do 1-mile, or 100-miles, just go out into the world and BE BETTER, DO BETTER, and HELP OTHERS DO THE SAME along the way.


pps: what is the most spontaneous thing you've done in awhile?!?! Bikes are cool, but they aren't thatttttt cool. I know you have something better! Respond and let me know what it was. I'll use it as added motivation to keep pushing forward.


