Learn to close chapters.
May 23, 2022 12:05 pm
Here is a photo I captured of the sunset from my last night in Santa Barbara.
If you have never been there, I highly recommend checking it out if you are ever in need of relaxation. The entire town is chill vibes.
Something I think you and I both have struggled with at some point in our lives... is closing a chapter and moving on.
Whether it was a job, a relationship, or even the small things that happen on a daily basis, it can be tough to let go of something and allow space for something new.
One thing I have learned, and continue to immerse myself in, is the thought and belief that nothing lasts forever.
The world around us as we know it in this very moment, this very second you are reading this, is here just for the blink of your eyes. And once you blink, a new frame of the world is now here. Every second of every day. Forever and ever.
Does this frighten you?
Or does this excite you?
Does this cause you to live in the past? Or hope for a different future?
Or does it challenge you to do your best to remain in the present moment?
I don't have the answers to your life.
But I do have questions that I believe you can ask yourself to live a better version of the current life you do live.
One of those questions is what chapter must you close, so that you can leave space for the next piece of art you are going to create?
What is nagging at you?
Pulling at you?
What do you yearn to go do? Or place you wish to go?
What/who/where must you let go of so you can go do that thing? Or visit that place?
Nothing is stopping you from doing the thing, visiting the place, being the person you wish to be... except the version of you in this very second. That person is the person that stands between you and everything you wish your life to become.
Image yourself as a cup of tap water filled to the rim of a glass. There is no more room for extra water, unless you get rid of some of the water you already have.
Now it's 2022, and they have come out with cleaner, healthier, mineral based waters... yet you cannot fill your glass with this water unless you dump out (let go of) some of the tap water in the glass.
The tap water you have is comfortable to you. It's not great, but it's not terrible either.
So the thought of dumping some of it out for the new water might be scary, even though deep down you know it is what you must do.
Now apply this to your life.
What must you let go of to make new space?
Here is a tip: time is the only thing that matters in life, so you must let go of some of the time you are spending and fill it with new habits that are more conducive to achieving the goals you have.
Example: how much Netflix or TV do you watch per day? Cut that in half and instead read books, wrtie, meditate, listen to podcasts, exercise... (fill your time (glass) with the healthier water).
What I am learning is that the key to life is less about the new chapters ahead, and more about letting go of old chapters that no longer serve us.
Because at the end of the day, one of the worst things that I believe humans suffer from, is not living their current life to its fullest solely because they are trapped in their past.
p.s. I am grateful I was able to spend some quality time with our family over the weekend. Now my brother, his wife, and their puppy are in town in the ATX and I get to spend time with them too. I am very much looking forward to this week. :)