don't let desire be your devil.
May 31, 2022 12:31 pm
Random stat, this is the 403 email I have written on this list.
If you have been here since the beginning, thank you.
If you are new here, welcome! Your presence is appreciated more than I could ever explain in words.
I am forewarning you that this will be a tangent based on some recent thoughts I have had that I am still piecing together.
Writing is a great tool to help formulate ideas. And that is what I am doing right now.
Over the past two weeks I have written the fewest amount of times since starting this.
For good reason, I was spending time with people I love.
And during this time that was spent, one of the common themes I started to piece together was the yearning for more out of this life. A desire to have more tomorrow than we have today.
This is not necessarily a problem.
Without desire, humans may not have continued to exist on this world.
Those before us, desired a better world for us than they had... and the same before them.
And now many of us desire a better place for our own future.
Yet, when is enough, enough?
When does desiring a better future actually turn into making both the present and the future worse?
Use me as an example.
I am starting to realize that the less that I "have" ... the happier I am.
Meaning, the simplest things such as going on a run, spending time with my friends at the gym, or going on an evening walk with my family... fulfill me more than the "things" I used to desire and wished to attain.
I believe it is because the simple things are the TRUTH.
They are real!
What do you mean by truth CJ?
Humans weren't created for the world we live in today.
The overstimulated, overconsumption, and overbearing weight that this world puts on everyone...
is this the world our ancestors desired?
This is one of the questions I am asking myself.
I find myself desiring UNREAL things at times.
And I know that you are doing the same.
Why are we brought up to desire accolades and achievements, over time/experiences with the people we love most?
Why are we thrust into a society that tells you how to live, rather than WHY to live?
Why do we have more in this world than ever before, yet so many people walking around feeling like LESS?
I am still working on my thoughts above. Still feels like pieces that I haven't fully comprehended yet.
I have concluded one thing though...
Desire will be your devil if you let it be.
p.s. today I am grateful for the time I was able to spend with my family. I THRIVE off of making memories with the people I love and I am glad that is exactly what happened.