It's not about having answers, it's about asking questions.
Jun 02, 2022 2:09 pm
School teaches us to care way too much about "the answer."
Then life beats us the fuck down and has us starting to ask ourselves hard questions.
Why was I born? Why am I here? What is the purpose of life? What will death be like? Does this all have a meaning to it? Why am I the way I am? Can I change my future? What is my destiny? ....
Those that I have witnessed living the "best" lives... are the people who seek to ask themselves the most enlightening questions... then they do their best to LIVE through their answers to those questions.
Example: Someone could ask themselves "what is my purpose?"
Most people have a fear of answering this question because deep down it brings them some sort of conflict.
Yet, those who choose to go out and LIVE through the things that bring them the most purpose... end up clearly defining what their purpose actually is.
Today I ask you to stop running away / hiding from life's hardest questions.
Instead, walk towards them.
And start LIVING through your answers.
Then help others do the exact same.
p.s. today I am grateful for another day on this planet.