Effective > Efficient.

Jun 03, 2022 12:55 pm

6 months into 2022 already.


Something I like to do at the end/beginning/middle of every year is to reflect on how I can make improvements.

And after a lot of recent reflection, there is one major way I need to improve.

I need to focus on being more EFFECTIVE > EFFICIENT.

It today's fast paced world, it is easy to fall into the trap of working hard to get "more" done. Yet, if the "more" does not matter in the first place... there is no reason to even do it!

The book "Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less" by Greg McKeown does a wonderful job of helping with what I am talking about.

I literally read or listen to this book at least once a year, and I highly recommend you add it to your list of must reads.

So what do I mean by effective > efficient ???

First let's look at the dictionary definitions.

Effective: successful in producing a desired or intended result.

Efficient: achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.

Now let me ask you this, what is the point for achieving "maximum productivity" for a desired or intended result you don't even care for?


This topic just made me think of a funny story back in my childhood when I asked my dad to get me a skateboard for Christmas, but instead of him being effective and getting me the only present I cared for... he thought he was being efficient by getting my brother and I both scooters. LMAO.

As an adult, I completely understand why he did what he did.

But that day, he broke the heart of his child and didn't even know it.

So the scooter collected dust, and I ended up using my babysitting money to buy my own damn skateboard.

So his "efficient" decision ... was neither effective for him, nor I.

His intent of me even using the scooter failed. So he wasted his time even though he thought he was being "efficient" with it.

Love my dad, but I 100 percent get my hyper focus on being efficient and "productive" from him.

Lastly, if you were a skateboarder as a kid... you wholeheartedly know why that scooter collected dust. I couldn't be seen on one of those things! My skater friends would have never stopped teasing me. LOL.


I tell the story above because, maybe you can relate. :)

And it leaves me asking this question...

How many of us are breaking our own hearts by working so hard and "efficient" towards things that we don't even want in the first place?

What is the point of being efficient ... if we aren't effectively working towards our long term dreams and goals?

Today, I want you to ask yourself the question...

Has it been an EFFECTIVE first part of the year?

If the answer is yes, define why.

If the answer is no, define why.

Then I want you to think 1 year, 3 years, 10 years ahead... and define an effective life for yourself.

Remember the "how" will always get sorted in life if you clearly define WHAT you actually want.

Cheers to more clarity as we cruise into the second half of 2022!



p.s. I am grateful for my dad and my family for all the lessons they taught me over the years. The skateboard story makes me laugh, and I cherish moments of every day that bring a smile to my face like that memory did for me today. Life is comical if you choose to see it in a positive and joyful light.
