Thinking about Lead Generation - Part 5

Oct 03, 2023 6:41 pm


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Selling services is not like selling a shiny gadget or a delicious snack where you can just show it off. Nope, our business is all about offering intangible solutions. Your clients can't touch, taste, or see your service before they hire you.

Clients have choices; they don't have to choose you. They can choose the competition. It's a jungle out there, but competition isn't a bad thing. In fact, it's a blessing in disguise.

Why, you ask? Well, clients get something to compare and benchmark against. They want to know if you're the right fit for them. You need to stand out from the crowd and communicate your uniqueness well.

Clients measure the quality of our services with rather subjective factors. It's all about how they feel and how you communicate. It's like being a mind reader sometimes!

Clients are on the hunt for someone who not only gets their problems but also explains things in a simple, jargon-free manner. They want you to be their guiding light in this complex world.

And that's not all! Clients are also on the lookout for someone who's not just in the same league as others but a little ahead of the game. Ever heard of the "stages of market sophistication"? Eugene Schwartz explained this concept back in 1966 in his book, "Breakthrough Advertising."

Every market goes through 5 stages of market sophistication. At each stage the older messages don't work anymore. Client have heard it all. Therefore there is a new way to communicate the reason to buy from you.

Stage 1: New Innovation - Nobody knows your new stuff. Just tell them what it does.

Stage 2: Focus on features - Competitors are in the game now. So, exaggerate the features of what your services can do.

Stage 3: Introduce a Mechanism - Describe a cool mechanism for achieving benefits. (Think "Zero Diet Weight Loss" or "One-Click Payment.")

Stage 4: Exaggerate the Mechanism - Take that mechanism to the extreme when you talk about it. (Like "Zero Diet Weight Loss in 30 Days," you get the drift.)

Stage 5: Saturated Markets - Brands rule the roost. Focus on building an iconic brand because other claims are not going to work anymore.

So, when you're chatting with clients, get into their heads. Understand what stage of sophistication your market is at. Check out what the competition is up to. And then, take a leap. Keep your communication one step ahead!

The magic happens when you sync up with your clients' needs, their level of understanding, and the current market sophistication stage. Craft a message that speaks directly to them, and you'll be like a magnet pulling clients towards your services.

So, what's the takeaway here? Work on that message. Stay one step ahead of the competition. Let clients measure them against you.


Anoop Kurup
