Lead Generation Campaign - An Example

Oct 06, 2023 6:11 pm


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Over the past 7 days, I have introduced you to some principles of creating a lead generation campaign. Let's put it into practise, with an example.

Crafting a successful lead generation campaign requires a strategic approach. It is not about your product and services. It is about the client. You have to tailor your approach to the unique needs and challenges of your target audience.

In this example, let's walk through the process of creating a lead generation campaign.

The Company: A marketing agency.

The Service: Creating personal brand on Linkedin.

The Target Audience: Founders of B2B Services companies

A note, before we start.

It is rare to find an agency or a service business that has clarity about their offering to the market. And it is rarer still to find one this niche. Typical agency business founders base the business on their skills. It is all about the founder and their skills.

When you want to do lead generation, it is all about the client and their needs. The founder's skillsets take a back seat.

If you want to replicate the steps from this example. I have a few suggestions.

  • Write down the service and target audience. Doesn't matter how vaguely you defined them.
  • Implement the steps given in this example.
  • Look at the data, and refine your target audience.

Its not easy. But it is doable.

Back to the example

The company has a target audience, but it is not well defined. B2B Services cover a very large set of industries like, corporate legal, IT Services, Corporate services, Agency services etc..

Audience is industry specific. There is no mention of their pain points.

Let's tackle that first.

1. Understanding the Target Audience:

To create a compelling campaign, we need to understand the pain points and motivations of the target audience.

Identifying Pain Points:

The first step is recognising the pain points of these founders. What happens when they don't have a personal brand?

The answer lies in missed opportunities. Without a strong personal brand, they may struggle to establish credibility, attract clients, or differentiate themselves from competitors. They are the best kept secret of their business.

People buy from people, not faceless entities. Chances are high that they are loosing leads because the people in the company have not built a brand. And the leads don't know if the company is the right solution provider for their problems.

Functional Job-to-be-done

Analysis of the pain point tells us a couple of things.

The founders of B2B companies run the company based on their skill sets. They want to attract clients where they use their skill sets.

Attracting the attention of potential clients is an important job the founders do.

Emotional job-to-be-done

Running a company is often a thankless job. The founder is an expert in the domain. Yet, nobody in the company will stand up and acknowledge this.

The founders wants recognition for their expertise

2. Crafting an Offer

The key to a successful lead generation campaign is positioning your service as the ultimate solution.

Level of customer awareness

The founders (clients) are aware that they need personal branding for the emotional job they are trying to get done. They are unaware that a personal brand also gets them leads.

The founders want to invest in personal branding, but are unable to justify the investment.

The marketing agency has a good opportunity here to craft an offer around the importance of personal branding for the growth of the business.

Market Sophistication

There are a lot of services providers and competitors that talk about personal branding. They talk about the features of personal branding. Majority of the competition focuses on helping artists, entertainers, and entrepreneurs talk about themself. The competition does not provide a solution to B2B Services business founders. And they do not focus on the mechanism of using Linkedin for personal brand building.

The marketing agency should differentiate from competitors who only touch on the topic of personal branding without providing concrete guidance

Personal Brand building on Linkedin a very unique service when offered to B2B Service business founders.

The Irresistible Offer

The irresistible offer in this case is the service as offered by the marketing agency. They will have to educate their potential clients (Founders of B2B service business) on two things.

  1. Importance of personal branding and how it improved business
  2. Linkedin and its benefits.

The Solution: The marketing agency positions itself as the go-to solution for founders looking to establish a powerful personal brand on LinkedIn. They emphasise their expertise in B2B services businesses. And their ability to create personalised, results-driven strategies.

Developing Creative Communication

The next step is creating compelling content to communicate the solution . The marketing agency claims expertise in using Linkedin. They should focus on this platform to generate leads for themselves. Also, it is obvious that founders of b2b services businesses will be using Linkedin.

The agency should communicate the offer via:

  1. Linkedin posts: Sharing knowledge, and case studies to establish expertise.
  2. Linkedin Ads: To target lead who are ready to work with them.
  3. Linkedin Live Events: To engage the target market and answer their queries.

Here is a sample Ad copy

"🚀 Elevate Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn! 🚀

📚 Do you feel like your expertise deserves more recognition? If the answer is YES, then you're in the right place!

We understand the unique challenges you face. Our proven strategies will not only establish your personal brand but also drive tangible results for your business.

Stop scrolling, and let's connect to explore how we can take your personal brand to the next level. 🤝"


In this case, the marketing agency has a unique offer. They can use LinkedIn for engaging with founders in B2B services industry. By addressing pain points and emphasising the importance of personal branding, this campaign is set to attract and convert high-quality leads for the agency.

Crafting a lead generation campaign involves a deep understanding of the target audience, positioning the service as the ultimate solution, and delivering creative communication through the right channels.

It does not involve fancy powerpoint slides with detailed customer persona, and use journey maps.

Keep it simple.

Feel free to send an email to me if you wish to discuss more about this topic.


Anoop Kurup

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