Thinking about Lead Generation - Part 6

Oct 04, 2023 7:59 pm


(Listen to this newsletter - AI Generated)

Three decades ago few gatekeepers guarded the ways to reach your clients. TV, Radio, Newspapers, magazines, and in-person events covered all the channels to reach the clients. These channels were expensive. Only the big businesses could afford to reach a large segment of the target market.

Today, we are drowning in platforms and channels. We have many options even within the same platform. Different target audience have different things they consume and follow.

Hunting for the Right Channels

You've got the perfect service to solve the clients problem. But where are your potential clients hanging out?

Start with the most obvious approach. Search!

Search for the problem or keywords associated with the problem on various platforms. Start with Google, you may find the right forums or Youtube channels. Then search in Reddit, Linkedin, Instagram, and other platforms.

Search did not reveal much? Time to spy on the competitors.

Go to Facebook Ads Library and search for the competitors pages and see their ads. Note down their targeting.

Use Ahref, Spyfu, Semrush and other keyword analysis tool to identify the keywords the competitors are bidding on.

These two methods should give you a good idea of digital platforms your potential clients use.

If you still don't find them, it's likely they meet in offline events and conferences.

Creative Wizardry

Now that you've located your audience, it's showtime! Creatives are your golden ticket. Remember, simplicity is king!

Keep it crisp, clean, and consistent. Whether it's a text, a post, an article, a visual, or a video. Keep it simple, and to the point. Remember to apply the frameworks and theories from the previous editions of this newsletter.

Engage your audience with stories, humor, and relatable content. If you can make them laugh, you're halfway there!

Be memorable.

Should you talk about pricing?

Here's a secret: Being upfront about your pricing can be a client magnet! No one likes hidden costs, right?

Create transparent pricing structures. Break down costs, benefits, and what's included in the package. Build trust by offering different packages. Let clients choose what suits their budget and needs.

If you do custom pricing for your clients, then at least provide a starting price. This avoids unnecessary time wasted on people who can't afford the services. And the price is an indicator of value.

Use client testimonials to show that your services are worth every penny. Happy clients are the best salespeople.

And that is it.

  1. Understand the problems of your target audience. Use Jobs-to-be-done theory.
  2. Create an offer for the target audience, that is at their level of awareness. And is in line with the sophistication of the market.
  3. Then find the channels to reach the target audience.
  4. And show up with great and memorable communication.

Simple. Right?


Anoop Kurup

(Read the older newsletters)
