Ideas, Topics, Research,!

Oct 11, 2023 10:23 pm


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Building an Automated content generator is an ambitious project. It has many moving parts. And as such, it will be easy to confuse things. Starting with the terminology we use.

I hope you follow along and build your content generators too.

Here are the terms I will use over and over in this project.


  • The theme is the central, overarching idea or message that you want to convey through your content. It is the core concept or the main focus of your work. The theme provides a unifying element that ties your content together, guiding the direction and purpose of your piece.
  • For example, if you are in the business of content marketing, one of the themes may be "social media content".
  • You may be tempted to have multiple themes. But remember, content you create will position you as an expert. Don't confuse your audience.
  • Think of a theme as something you can talk about for at least 3 hours, without any preparation.


  • The topic is the specific subject or area within a broader theme that you choose to focus on in your content. It's what your content is about, and it helps narrow down the scope of your work.
  • Topics can be thought of as subsets of a larger theme. For example, if the theme is "social media content," a topic within that theme could be "optimising instagram images."


  • Research involves the process of gathering information, data, and knowledge about a specific subject or topic related to your content. It's the factual or supporting information that gives depth and credibility to your work.
  • Research is particularly important for non-fiction, academic, or fact-based content. It can involve reading books, articles, conducting surveys, interviews, and exploring various sources to gather information.
  • In business context, research is essential to ensure we create content that is popular yet differentiated or better than the competition.


  • Ideas are the creative concepts or unique angles you develop to explore and communicate your theme or topic. They are the innovative and imaginative elements that make your content interesting and engaging.
  • Ideas can include storytelling approaches, creative metaphors, visual concepts, or unique perspectives. They are the building blocks of your content's structure and creativity.
  • For example, if your theme is "project management automation," an idea might be to tell a story about a how automation saved a mega project from failure.

The theme is the core message, topic specifies the subject matter, research provides the supporting information, and ideas are the creative elements that make your content unique and engaging.

These concepts are interconnected and overlap. It is important to combine them effectively to create unique, effective, and meaningful content.

We will use these terms consistently throughout this project.

Next step is gathering information for your theme and converting them to topics.


Anoop Kurup

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